Weird and weird (Colin voice)

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I am still thinking of last night. This was perfect, then she left. She agrees at the end, and relax. She left! We weren't supposed to be here, but we connect... We did !

— You're quiet! Remark Benedict.

— You are not! Gabrielle enters and she finally get to me, she is weird!

— Ga... I correct myself quickly, mademoiselle Bertheau. I hope you had a restful night.

— Very well, thank you, sir. She says, not looking at me.

I break it, I shouldn't have asked this. She begins to stammer and gave up, going weirdly near her sister and Louis. I shouldn't have asked it yesterday. She begins to talk to her sister, low and get up and leave! Where are you going to? I focus on Sophie and Ben. She came back and it's already time for the hunt. That gonna keep my head occupied. I should not ask yesterday!

We are back. Hyacinthe salute me, she is with El and Gabrielle. She put her polite smile seeing me, shout ! I follow Ben near them. I am going to make her really smile. Louis enters the room, and she excuse herself. She is gone, again! Benedict is looking at me, weirdly, or I am imagining thing. She regains the salon with her sister still weirdly not looking at me, or near me! I get it by a scone, Hyacinthe or Eloise ! By reflexes, I pick up and fly it to Hyacinthe! A battle has begun! Everyone is laughing! The door! The door ! This is mum! Oh no ! We stop and hide the battle, without talking, the laugh too, except Gabrielle ! Oh, no! We are going to get caught ! At least, she is laughing! Mum looks at us, I stare at Gabrielle to say her to stop. That kind of works !

— What are you doing? ask Mum suspicious.

— Nothing, mother. Respond Benedict, trying to save the situation, going really well.

— She frounce and say: I remind you that after lunch, we have more invite.

— Yes, we remember. I say to make her go away.

— Good! She gets out and the giggle return, for everyone this time.

— This was hilarious! I declare, watching everyone.

— Yes! Respond Eloise.

— Why did you that? ask Gabrielle to Hyacinthe, hilarious.

— I don't know, she just responds, amuse. This was funny.

— Yes, very funny! she says back, happy, good happy. I look at her and get my better smile, without a result.

— Thank Hyacinthe! The last scone fight was a while ago. Say Benedict, calmer.

— This is not a first time? She asks, surprise.

The lunch was served, and the other high guests arrived. We move in the garden. In the evening, this was the ball. After dancing a little bit, and with Gabrielle, I decide to hide! This is my house, I have the advantage! I came back later, when it's finish! I didn't get reprimanded, uh! Good, very good! I came back to the house and there is chatter. I am going to go in my room before Mum see me.

The next morning, I learn the what. Camille fainted, she is okay, her and the baby! Thanks! She is in bed rest, and they are going home, early.... when this is still kind of weird. She is worried, more than usual ! I didn't had the chance, before she go away, to talk to her, in the next day, when everything will be quiet.

Benedict and Eloise, before the ball

I took the chance catch Eloise alone.

— Eloise, between Colin and mademoiselle Bertheau, there is...

— Something! He is acting weird! The insistent talking was maybe something, but today! This morning, her stammer and his act !

— He is looking for a lot at her; something happens for sure! Mum guest it or want it!

— Mum wants me and Colin to be married!

— When she sees an occasion, she concentrates on only one. Mademoiselle Bertheau is invited a lot at home or occasion!

— She has a plan for Colin! Like she had for you!

— A plan that seems to be working, even I think he doesn't realize yet

— And today is going to reenforce her.

— Tonight ball is going to be interesting.

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