Breathe, breathe (part 1)

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Quick note:  

This chapter is from Colin and Gabrielle voice and vice versa. he is cut in two and I'm very proud of it! 

The Queen congratulated me on my union with Colin! She came out to the park and congratulated us. The ban for the wedding have been published:

The Bridgerton and Harrison families are honoured to announce the engagement of Colin Bridgerton, third son of Lord Edmund Bridgerton and Lady Violet Bridgerton and Gabrielle Bertheau, second daughter of Henri Bertheau and Amelia Bertheau.

Camille has read it to me several times! Colin and I are engaged! It's so wonderful! They should be joining us soon, following our invitation. Here they are! After the greetings, Colin join me on the next chair:

— Hello !

— Hello !

We look at each other lovingly.

— Will I see you at the ball tonight ? He asks.

— I have to talk to Louis about it. He sat up straight, hearing his name. I'd like to go to the ball tonight. I know that Camille is resting and doesn't come anymore.

— I'll take you there !

— Thank you!

— I'll be there, I say unnecessarily to Colin.

— I will make you dance...

— I hope you were intending to... Did you see the paper this morning?

— No, I haven't.

I gave him the banner page. He read it and smile.

— I should have asked you earlier. He says, very sweetly, "I should have asked you first.

— Yes! What made you ask? You can't ask, but I'm curious.

— After your sister's discomfort, we didn't see each other again and then you had your other proposal, which made you so unhappy. I finally understood what I was feeling and gathered the courage to ask you. I needed to tell you. I couldn't let you marry anyone but me.

— Colin... that is so sweet and so romantic.

Colin POV

I am going to see Gabrielle! Finally ! I miss her so much! I didn't bother with greeting and fly to the chair next to her!

— Hello!

— Hello!

She looks at me and I look at her, her beautiful eyes, her smile, her nose, her face! Her hair! She is perfect, so perfect ! I love you so much !

— Will I see you at the ball tonight? I ask, wanting to finally dance with her since we are engaged.

I will marry you! I can't wait to marry you! I want you so much! Gabrielle, you are perfect! You are the love of my life! I love you! I love you! She is talking, I just here a there. I hope that a yes, I really hope it a yes.

— I will make you dance... I try, prying for a yes. She can't know I wasn't listen.

— I hope you were intending to... Did you see the paper this morning?

Yes, yes, I haven't mess up. I jump inside. She is going to the ball. The paper, no.

— No, I haven't.

She gave me the banner page. I read it and smile, our marriage ban! Our's ! I keep jumping from the inside.

— I should have asked you earlier. I say.

— Yes! What made you ask? You can't ask, but I'm curious.

Just you ! I stop being an idiot, and just see what just in front of me, when you were so sad.

— After your sister's discomfort, we didn't see each other again and then you had your other proposal, which made you so unhappy. I finally understood what I was feeling and gathered the courage to ask you. I needed to tell you. I couldn't let you marry anyone but me. I say more appropriately but true.

— Colin... that is so sweet and so romantic.

I couldn't say a word back! You are prettier every time I see you. You are glowing, just glowing! This is love! I was an idiot, you were just here, all this time, at the ball, at the home. This is you! This is you. I want you for the rest of my life. 

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