We will be free (Colin POV)

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28 September

Time to get to the kitchen ! I open the door, and startle, surprise...

­­— Who ? Gabrielle?

— Wh ... is this .... Colin... you scared me. She is stopping his writing, feather in hand.

— I didn't mean to. I respond to, her blushing and so beautiful.

I came closer to her and sat down:

— I didn't expect to see you here and now," I says softly, charm and happy to her.

— Neither did I. I thought everyone was asleep.

— They are. What are you writing?

— It's... a story for Hortense.

This is adorable !

— About?

— It's inspired by Perrault's tales, about .... mice," she responds to me, adorably laughing.

I adore his laugh, so perfect, like everything she is.

— And what are those mice doing? I ask, way happier since I found here, in the kitchen.

— It's silly, they... she hesitates and stop.

— I really want to know what they're doing, it's not silly. I'm in need of mice in my life," I replies very seriously, to let her know I really in, for that is inside his beautiful head.

— They have to solve a disappearance, one of their own. They talk and have personalities... they've just found the first clue, she replies while laughing.

Without thinking, I shout, honest : "Mouse investigators, you're fabulous !

— It's a story for Hortense. She defend, red.

— I'm not lying... I take a breath, admiring her. you're wonderful, so thoughtful, captivating, sweet, funny, beautiful, inspiring.

— Colin... she whispers, not looking at me.

Gabrielle saying my name is heaven to my ear. We are alone, I can try to...

— It's true. Since we're all alone, I can do this... if you allow me. I say, softly.

I gently raise his face with my hand, slowly. Our eyes are now, face to face, she illuminates, making my heart jump. I am so lucky !

— It's .... we .... she tries to speak. I stop, letting her time to think. Her breathing is less calm,and she is fluster.

After one of her breaths taken, I couldn't resist to take her hand, to hold her. I bent down to her hand and, follow my desire to kiss it. His face became more troubled with desire. I want her, but I want her to be comfortable.

— We... we shouldn't... we shouldn't even... be alone right now. She finish.

Without moving, I waited for her to gather her thoughts, waiting for what she wants.

— I promised myself I wouldn't do anything that would be ... like what we're doing. I .... I want to kiss you, I do... I love you, Colin but.... uh... I don't want to lose control, not now, not until we are married. I... It wouldn't be... I made a promise to wait until marriage for this, to kiss you. It's important to me.

After hearing that, I immediately reassure her.

— I understand... It's important to you and I love you.... We will wait. The wedding is very close...

— Yes, on the 24th of October.

— And on that night, you will finally be my wife.

— And you, my husband. .... We will be free.

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