Colin ...

47 4 0

20 Juin

Uncle will arrive very soon. His ferry arrives this morning! He warned us by letter! He will come, meet both of them to make his decision, mine is taken! He is here! The ferry is coming! I can't wait to see him! The descent begun. Camille, Louis and I scrutinize every face.

— Uncle," Camille and I shout in unison while we walks towards him.

— Girls !

He joins us and hugs us, looking at us carefully.

— Camille, you... I'm so happy to see you at last ! How are you? I can't wait to meet this baby.

— I'm very happy! Me too, me too, but for now he or her is staying warm.

He turnes to Louis:

— I didn't congratulate you in person.

— Thank you Tom! Camille and I are extremely happy.

— Gabrielle! Do you like London? Are you happy?

— Yes and yes, very much! I missed you!

— I missed you too.

We took a carriage home. Uncle asked about Camille's pregnancy and then he turns to me:

— The letters were ... interesting. Gabrielle, between Mr Fernsy and ....

— Colin! I choose without being able to wait.

— Mr Bridgerton. Is he a gentleman?

— Yes, he is the most gentlemanly man I have ever met!

— Then it will be him. I can't wait to meet him. He makes you very happy already!

— Yes !

He hugs me, to congratulate me. Colin is going to be my husband ! Finally !

— To meet this man, I...

— I will send an application for a meeting. Did I say the happiest I've ever been.

— I've already written it... say Camille, proudly.

— Very well. you make a perfect team, I see. Your parents are so proud of you. They are so proud of you with all their hearts! says my uncle, moved.

Camille rais her eyes to the sky, as she does every time Mum and Dad come in, not wanting to cry.

— Camille, I exclaim before offering her a hug. She accepts.

— I wish they were still here. They would be so happy for the baby and for you!

— They are, they really are.

We have arrived. Camille dries her tears and then we went inside. Camille gave the request to meet to a domestic, telling him to be as quick as possible. Less than ten minutes later, the answer arrived. We were expected in the salon as soon as possible. I run there with Camille, waiting for Camille with her belly of course, uncle laughing at the back.

We got in, then we were announced. Colin, his mother and Anthony were there. My uncle enter in first. Colin is standing, he brightens up when he saw me, as did I. I give him the biggest smile. Colin introducts himself:

— It is an honour to meet you, Mister Bertheau. Colin Bridgerton.

— Pleasure to meet you as well. They shake hand. It is with honour that I accept your demande for Gabrielle. She is not truly my daughter, but I consider her as such.

Colin looks at me, still in love, so happy, like me. Gabrielle Bridgerton. Gabrielle Bridgerton! Tears of happiness came. Colin thanks him. Anthony and his mother congratulated him, then me. Camille and Louis did the same. I seize the opportunity to get closer to Colin, in the general chaos, and to take his hand very quickly, when my uncle was not looking. It was not appropriate, but I need it. I am now engage to Colin. The dream is real !

Colin comes up to me and whispers:

— I love you !

— I love you too," I whisper back.

Our first I love you ! We were both smiling, the happiness is complete. I let go of his hand. We are going to be bound, forever, and we are going to be able to be with each other forever.

— I suggest you follow me, for a little celebration. announces Violet.

— It would be my pleasure ! say my uncle.

My sister took me by the hand, and we all went into the big living room. Everyone is already there. Violet simply declares that we are engage. I receive a wave of congratulations and hugs, as did Colin. If love is seen, it would flood the room. His mother, my uncle, Daphne and Camille have already started talking about marriage, about my marriage to Colin. I want to get closer to him, but with my uncle in the room. Colin is also watching me. He joins the conversation. I joins Sophie and Eloise, they are always good company. We are invited for the day, to continue the celebration. My Uncle asks me to tell him about our rencontre and more, he wants the whole story. The meal is announcing, and a toast is raised to Colin and I. When the meal was over, Colin walks me:

— Gabrielle, will you join me for a walk in the garden, with Daphne and Simon?

— I will love to.

He offers me his hand to lift, so that I could take it. There is no more Mademoiselle Bertheau, it's my name, so sweet and perfect when he says it. I took it, enjoying his hand in mine. Outside, Daphne and Simon followed us to the back, but it was almost as if we were alone, they couldn't hear what we were saying.

— Colin, I can't wait to marry you! " I say to Colin, keeping my voice low as a precaution.

— So can I. I could marry you now.

— It would be wonderful, but a scandal! Apart from our families, the news hasn't spread.

— It will be no more controversial than Benedict's marriage or... Daphne's or .... Anthony.

— Your family makes a habit of it. How soon can we...

— The wedding could be in the next five months,

— I can wait five months, I just need to see you a lot.

— I can stay in London after the season, I don't have to join Aubrey Hall.

— Camille and Louis are retiring to the country. It's good for them and the baby, who will be born there.

— You're retiring too.

— Yes, I am. Audrey Hall and their house are quite close. I could send letters and come. It's not that far.

— Five months, then we're free together.

I nod. His sister calls him to come home. I join in the wedding discussion, Camille want to get as much done as possible before the baby came. She, Violet and Daphne were going to coordinate everything. Our wedding! My wedding! Colin joins us and sits next to me.

— I talked to your uncle! I want him to like me.

— I'm pretty certain he does.

— Did you tell him anything about me?

— I said you were the most gentleman man I ever met.

— Oh, I'm flattered.

— You're already high in his regard.

He just smiles. Violet asked me a question that I don't hear:

— Pardon me, milady.

— You can call me Violet; she reminds me again.

— could you please repeat the question, Violet? I struggle to say.

I refocus on the wedding preparations. There is a lot to do!

— Colin, usually you ran when we talks marriage, now you run to speaks about it ... or more to Gabrielle. Daphne teases him.

— It's my weeding! He responds looking at me happy.

— Gabrielle, you are a miracle, you make Colin a lovebird ! Compliment me Daphné.

I laugh and thanks her. Colin was still looking at me, he doesn't even respond. He definitely came to be with me. 

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now