Breathe, breathe (part 2)

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Gabrielle POV

19h. For the ball, I chose my dress with Camille, with intent. I hesitated for a long time.

— You'll look beautiful in anything, Colin is all yours, she said with a smirk.

It made me smile.

— When you see him or hear his name, you glow, like now.

— You ... You're all flushed, that's adorable," she say, bursting out laughing. It's fantastic to see you so fulfilled.

She continues to laugh, I join her. We got serious again and advise me:

— For the dress, the royal blue suits you very well. It enhances your complexion.

— It's the blue one then, could you do my hair with mum chignon?

— Always! Take the brush and come here," she replies affectionately, moving away a little in the bed.

I comply; Camille took care of me like when I was little. She did Mum's braided hairstyle, she wore it for all the big occasions. She wears it on her wedding portrait with Daddy.

— I want to have this hairstyle for the wedding," I say.

— It will be beautiful. You will look even more like her. On that day, I'll be the one to do your hair!

— Of course you will !

It is obvious. She finished and fixed everything.

— Your hair is all done, missy.

— Thanks! I will finish getting ready !

I am all ready, Louis is too. He kiss Camille before leaving and greet the baby. He congratulate his wife on her work. We joined the ball.

Colin POV:

Time is so slow! He is so slow! I want to see her! I am waiting for her ! Can you come right now? I will not not see you before you enter. Where are you? Where are you ? Sit down.

— Colin !

This is Anthony.

­— I wait for her! I will not move!

He got back. Tick tack.... Tick tack... There is footstep ! This ... wahou.... Wahou.... You are... the most beautiful. My heart is ... You are my love !

Gabrielle POV:

Colin is outside the room, all dressed up and very handsome! He cut his hair. He stood up when he saw me, he is mesmerize, I can see it in his face. My heart skips a beat. Oh, Colin !

— You ... you are superb!

— Thanks... you too, you are handsome. Did you cut your hair ?

— Yes, he laughed slightly.

— It suits you. You are very handsome.

I look into his green eyes. I could feel Louis' gaze on me, which I have forgotten.

— Let's enter now, I say embarrassed.

We present herself to the host, that congratulate us. Colin invite me to dance. Our first dance since our engagement, the music is slow and he is perfect. His hands touching mine, touching me, touching my back, if I could freeze this moment to live it forever. We dance for a long time and it was even more magical than before. Colin loves me, as I love him. I can feel his breath on me, racing and his face close to mine. The music speed up to a more rhythmic dance. Colin guide me, he twirles me around... We pause for a moment to get some sustenance. Louis is coming back, he slowed down when he saw us. Mr Fernsby came over and talks to us:

— I wanted to congratulate you on your engagement, Mr Bridgerton, Miss Bertheau, I haven' thad a chance to see you since your sister's letter.

— It is very cordial, thank you," I reply politely.

— We thank you, I hope the season will be successful for you, Colin replied, politely.

My former suitor turns a little more white. The message is .... jubilant for Colin. His season had failed when I had refused his request. Colin !

— Co.... I pick myself up and improvise. I wish you well, sir.

He excuses himself to leave. I turn to Colin :

— Was that jubilation I heard? The remark about his season was impertinent!

— I am impertinent.

— I know that, Colin, but this is mean.

— I have the honor of your hand. I have the right to be proud.

— Oh .... yes, you do and I am enormously happy about you and me. I reply after my surprise, with the biggest of smile.

— And me too! I took a glass of champagne and had some. I tast a small petit-four and then two, but the second one ... shrimp, oh no, I ... I immediately panic. I immediately split it out into a napkin. Without thinking, I run to Louis:

— Louis, I'm going to... have an allergy, shrimp, I say in a panic.

— Gabri.... come with me...

He orders for a doctor immediately and takes me out. Time is running out.

Colin POV

I froze. The image flash behind my eye. Dad! Dad! The news! Mum! No! no! The bee! The grief! The news! I can't breathe. The tears accumulate.

— Colin! Colin! Come back !

­— Ben.... Ben, I beg, desperate.

— Colin?

— Gabrielle... allergy

My breathing come back. I need to... I .... I fall to the ground, the tears flow, blinding me... Gabrielle... Gabrielle.... Ben takes me in his arm tightly, he is very far. I need to .... Need to ... Gabrielle.... I ... This .... Not again... No! No! I shout.

Gabrielle POV

— Louis ... I cry.

— Did you spit it out?" he asked, panicking but trying to remain as calm as possible as he satme down.

— Yes, Yes.

— Breathe, breathe, you are okay.

— I'm... I'm breathing.

— I'm taking care of you... he say to reassure me, as I sob.

My throat start to itch.

— It's starting.... I told him as I try to breathe deeply.

He orders to get a doctor as soon as possible. He loosenes my dress to help me. My throat is swelling more by the second. Breathing became more difficult, I couldn't take deep breaths.

Louis comforts me:

— It's okay, I'm here, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. He models for me.

I follow as best I could, but it is getting harder and harder, I am running out of air and I feel panicky. I try to speak, but Louis told me to breathe. My heart is beating far too fast, I kept breathing, as long as .... as long as I could. Camille, no, I... Louis reassures me without stopping, but I cannot breathe. My vision started to blur; I can't breathe.... I try but .... my vision was getting darker and darker. No... No ... Everything became dark, I ... I don't want to... The voice of Louis is .... far ....far away. Breathe, try to ... 

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