I am fine

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After a restless night, it's time to have the first meal and to see Colin again... I greet those present in the dining room and saw Colin, who greet me.

— Mademoiselle Bertheau. I hope you had a restful night.

— Very well, thank you, sir. I say with my eyes down.

— If I look at him, I lose my nerve. Despite that, I did it, then stammers and gave up talking. Unh, I should ... thank you.

I go to sit down as far as I could, resume yourself, Gabrielle. Breathe, breathe. My sister arrives; she joins me with Louis. I feel Colin's gaze on me, I keep my eyes down to meet him.

— How are you feeling this morning?" I ask Camille to act myself.

— Fine, and you? you... she looks at the table, then at me. I slept very well.

Camille knows. She just understood, it's like we are using words. She knows about Colin and how I feel about him. Yesterday changed everything, for me anyway.

— Oh, I forgot my green scarf in the bedroom. Could you get it for me, Gabrielle ?

— I do it right away.

She is offering me a chance to get out, to... I love you, thank you, thank you! I got up and thank her, silently. I go out finally, oh, what had I done. Why did I go out yesterday? Colin. Breathe, breathe... I couldn't be away too long, I went to get Camille's shawl, and now... I have to go back to the room and act normal. Without knowing how, I managed to do it, I avoid Colin, for my own good. I gave the shawl and focused on everyone but him. The meal end, the boys go out hunting. Colin too, which is a relief. I went out with Camille, we went to her room. It is time to say everything about yesterday. She says what I needed to start, just his name.

— Yesterday ... I went to get a glass of milk, I couldn't sleep. I ran into Colin... he walked me in and... we talked, laughed, it was special and... he asked me... to call me by his first name, privately and be on a first name basis. He took me back to my room... I .... when I saw him I understood that... I am in love... Camille...

— That's wonderful !

— I don't know about Colin... but, I swallow,

— I'm not in his heart, but he seems interested. The look in his eyes this morning...

— He .. really...

— Yes, there's something there, I'm sure of it.

— Colin, Colin... I repeat myself in love.

— I am happy for you !

She hugs me in shared happiness. I start to cry, Camille too.

— Gabrielle, do you allow me to tell Louis? I won't do it if...

— You can tell him, I don't want you to keep this secret from him.

— Thank you, he is gonna be happy, when I tell him, you finally realized.

— Finally?" I ask not understanding.

— Yes, she smiles If you're invited, and us by extension, it's not for us, it's for you. I'm not in Madam Bridgerton's mind, but she wants to see her children settle down, she did for her first two and you and Colin get on well.

— Erm...

— Have you seen any of the other girls around Colin, in private?

— No, but you told me he wasn't actively looking for a wife. That's not his intention at the moment. It's not his first season, so...

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now