Forever start soon

33 4 0

20th October

Camille, Louis, Hortense and I are at Audrey Hall, making final preparations. The wedding will take place in London. 4 days. 5760 minutes. I've had several fittings on my dress, we've seen the priest, only 4 more days and Colin and I will be married. I can feel Colin and I are both so excited. The wait is almost over... it seems longer than before: the closer the wedding gets; the more time slows down. I want to marry him, and time is very long. Colin and I got together to talk when I arrived. We're getting married, despite the interdiction, we met alone, to talk about our future, about us, about the trips we want to make.

— Gabrielle, a horse ride? Benedict and Sophie are coming with us.

It's Colin, I hadn't seen him, absorbed in my reading, with Eloise in the library.

— Always!

— If you don't mind," he offers me his hand.

— On the contrary.

How sweet. Eloïse mumbles something. We went to the stables, and I ride my favourite horse. The Bridgerton keep it for me when I'm there. We rode and then took a break in a pleasant spot. I have a loose strand; my bun needed a redo. I took it all out and off we went to do it again mirrorless.

— Please leave it free. I really like your hair untied. Colin praises me.

I just smiled and gave up trying to do it again. I turned around to secure my hair attachments.

— Is it better?" I ask, looking him in the eye.

— Much better. You look so pretty with your hair in the wind.

We look at each other, and I devour him with my eyes. I lower mine to keep control. When I looked up, he is sitting on the floor, I stare at him surprised.

— What are you doing?

— I'm going to look at the clouds. Join me. He says with his devastating smile.

— Colin...

— Please, he begs.

I hesitate

— Benedict and Sophie saw no problem with that. Huh?" he calls out to them.

— You're a big boy. he answers unbother.

Benedict and Sophie sat down next to a tree. I lay down beside him and he took my hand.

— In four days, when we're married, I'll take you for a ride, just you and me. he speaks

— You promise?

— I swear. We won't need permission or a chaperone. We can do whatever we want, when we want.

— 5660 minutes until we're married.

— 95 hours, I counted too. He tell me, smiling all the way.

— We will do whatever you want.

— Yes, it will be you and me...

— Not against the rest of the world.

— No, you and me together.

I smile in happiness. Before long we will be husband and wife.

Colin points to a cloud :

— It looks like a dog.

— And here a .... boat, I enter his game.

He turns to me and looks into my eyes.

— If there were no rules, I would kiss you now. My heart race. I won't, I know you want to wait.

— And that's adorable, it's important to me.

— So it's important to me. Four days, and you'll be mine, Colin dream.

That kiss will be even better in four days. The first of many, it has to be special and reserved.

— Four short days. I dream too.

He squeezes my hand tighter, and we remain there, hand in hand, looking at the sky. It is already magical, what would it be like when I could kiss him and be completely alone with him. We had to get out of that moment and go home. The sky is getting dark. We got back on the horses and rode back to Audrey Hall. Sophie kindly redid my bun. I heard Hortense in the salon and joins my niece. Louis gave it to me. I cajole her, as she deserves. She is perfect, a baby's love who smiles a lot. Camille came back and took him back. It was just happiness and soon it would be even more complete... I observe Colin, he is pushed to sing, but he hesitates. Colin can sing? he glances at me, and I smirk and say a silent please. He agreed and Francesca took up the piano. He sang and my heart sank even more. He was even more beautiful and talented. Camille and Louis look at me, I could feel it. I clap to the show. 

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now