
7.9K 191 19

[Strated: 12/16/2022]
[Ended: 12/17/2022]
[Song: This Is The Lost Generation by The Lost Generation.]

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Alice In Borderlands
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     "So then I told her, Mai you can't keep going back to the guy!" The woman in the chair blabbered on and on.
     Y/n laughed and nodded at the jokes she made despite not finding them funny. She would ask questions and pretend to be interested, but she wanted nothing more than to duct tape the woman's mouth shut.
     'Can this lady talk any louder?' She thought sarcastically.
     When she finished curling the woman's hair she sighed in satisfaction. It was finally over. She moved to the front to ring up the woman. As Y/n swiped the card the woman looked around.
    The shop had a more alternative maximalist design. It was far from being a normal salon. This peeved most people that walked in. They were used to white walls and fluorescent white lights, not black walls and neon lights.
     "You should think of redecorating. This place is so dark." The woman laughed.
    'Fuck you.' Y/n chuckled. "We like it like that. Here's your card back, have a nice day."
     After the woman left Y/n went back to her station. She swept up hair and organized her products. Most of her collection was dyes, bleach, and toner. She specialized in coloring, though in Tokyo not many people dyed their hair.
     "Y/n, there's a walk-in here that wants to go blonde." The shop owner walked over. "The others are busy."
     Y/n looked at the clock. "I have time for a bleach sesh before my next appointment, send her over."
    The owner snickered and walked away.
    Y/n could hear the woman tell the client to go to her station. When she looked up she was surprised to see a man with long dark hair standing there. He had a fake smile that almost made her skin crawl and cat-like eyes that bored into her soul. But she ignored the unsettling feeling he gave her, it was not like she would be seeing him again, unless he decided to come back.
     Y/n smiled stretching out her hand to shake. "Hi, I'm Y/n I'll be your stylist today."
     He shook her hand, his own was cold and soft but firm. "Chishiya."
     "So you're wanting to go blonde?" She asked.
     He nodded his smile slowly fading. "How long with this take?"
     'So he's one of those.' Relief washed through her. Finally, she got a client that didn't want to talk her ear off and wanted to get in and out as soon as possible. "Around two hours, it all depends on how quickly you lift. Go ahead and sit down. I'm going to go get your bleach and foils."
     Nothing out of the ordinary happen while she was applying the bleach. He lifted perfectly and she moved him to the bowl to wash out the bleach. He seemed to enjoy the washing process. How Y/n's nails would graze against his scalp and the warmth of the water touching his forehead and neck. It was disappointing when Y/n finished and began applying the toner. But after waiting a while she began the process again. This time he closed his eyes and let himself drift into the blissful feeling. Y/n of course noticed. It wasn't uncommon for people to enjoy this part of the service.
     After blowing out his hair she realized how genuinely ugly his hair looked. His ends were split and in need of a cut and there were a lot of uneven pieces in his hair.
     'Did he cut this himself?'
     "Do you want a trim as well?"
     He shook his head. "This is fine, thank you."
     Y/n had to resist the urge to grab the scissors and take out those split ends. "Okay, the woman that greeted you will ring you up. Thanks for coming."
     He got up and turned to her. "What's your name again?"
    'Seriously?' She fought a scowl. "Y/n."
     "Then I'll see you in two months for a touch-up." He waved goodbye.
      She was screaming internally. 'No way this sociopath is coming back?!'

    In the next two weeks, Y/n would find herself forgetting the odd man like she did most walk-in clients. Her dank, dreary, disappointing life continued. She wished for something to happen, anything.
      The new woman in Y/n's chair chewed her gum with her mouth open. Every wet, mushy, soft sound made Y/n want to rip her skin off. Fuming with anger she finished putting the brown color on the woman's hair and excused herself to the bathroom.
     Entering she locked the door and slammed her hands on the sink taking deep breaths. 'Go to your happy place.'
     The bathroom had red walls and blue lights. There was black writing on the walls of mostly inappropriate things. Though the atmosphere it gave off was chaotic Y/n was able to calm down.
    Then she went to a small room reserved for the stylists only. There was a small fridge along with a microwave for any food they had. A woman who most in the salon called Buffy was sticking her head inside the fridge.
     Y/n thought Buffy to be a selfish and ignorant person. She unintentionally made people uncomfortable and she was far too confident in herself. Most of the other stylists Y/n could tolerate but Buffy was not one of them. She was consistently invading Y/n's privacy thinking she was being fun and quirky.
     Buffy shut the fridge and spotted Y/n. After her incident, Buffy felt off about her.
    "Oh hey rock!" Buffy smiled anyway and used the hideous nickname she gave Y/n. She gave her this name because anytime someone wasn't looking Y/n had a stone cold face, like a rock.
     'Go away Bitch.'
      "Hey, Buffy." She waved and moved towards the fridge.
      Buffy moved to leave but stopped in the doorway. "Oh, by the way, I took half of your lunch. You always pack so much and never eat all of it." She then disappeared into the salon.
     Y/n opened the fridge looking at her half-eating lunch. She took the container out and stared down at it. Her breathing became uneven and her hands gripped the container tighter and tighter. Anger swarmed through her and she had to fight the urge to curb-stomp the woman.
     'How can someone be so stupid? Has that imbecile not learned her lesson?!'
      'Just calm down Y/n.'
      'It's no big deal, just go get something else to eat.'
    So she did. After finishing with her client she left and got on a train to one of her tolerated restaurants. After getting off the train and exiting the station she was met with the busy streets of Tokyo. Often times crowds overwhelmed her, especially on a hot day like this. As she walked she tried to dodge as many people as possible. Their sweat, their blabbering, their insignificant problems made her queasy. She felt if she did touch one of them she might vomit. Though she could just be hungry.
     As she and a million others it seemed were crossing the street fireworks went off above them. She merely glanced at them uncaring. A few seconds later she arrived at the restaurant. As soon as she stepped In everything went quiet and the lights went out.
     There were no sounds of people. And no sign of them either. Like magic, Y/n was completely alone.

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