Stage One: XIX

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[Started: 1/5/2023]
[Ended: 1/6/2023]
[Song: C.L.U by Draft Punk and A Hero Falls by Michael Abels.]

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Alice In Borderlands
STAGE ONE: Rubatosis
"The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat."

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Chapter Nineteen
"The Hunt."
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Kuina and Chishiya sat in the security room watching the feed. On one of the monitors was Y/n, Usagi, and Momoka, searching rooms for Arisu. Y/n seemed to be slowing down as if she were trying to think. Chishiya watched as she split off from Usagi and Momoka.
Kuina pointed to one of the monitors. "What is she doing?" She said watching as Ann searched a supply room. "I'm gonna go talk to her."
Chishiya didn't take his eyes of the screen. "Don't die."
     "I'll try not to." She rolled her eyes stepping out of the room.
     "What are you doing Y/n?"

     A few minutes said girl came bursting into the room. She spotted Chishiya but made no effort to talk to him. Instead she went straight to the security feed. Her eyes darted around looking for something in particular.
     "Your not even going to a acknowledge me?"
     She whipped around glaring intently at him. "I wish you hadn't put me in this situation."
     He blinked slowly. "What situation?"
     "Where I have to choose between two people I care about. I wish I didn't care, it would be so much easier not to but I do." She stated her face scrunched up as if it were hard to get the words out.
     Chishiya looked away from her off into the void. "If your definite answer isn't me then choose him."
     She narrowed her eyes at him before turning back to the monitors. "Arisu is my friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I would do the same for Kuina and Usagi. Just to clarify."
     "Why would I need that clarified?" He looked at her back.
     She spotted a group in one of the hallways. "Because you look incredibly envious right now." She replied before leaving the room.
     Chishiya's jaw clenched. 'Was it that obvious?'

     On the security feed Y/n walked down the hallways straight at three militants. She walked with an air of confidence that was sure to throw them off. But Chishiya couldn't help the anxiousness that arose as he saw where she was going.
     "Excuse me!" Y/n called as she walked towards the militants. "What are you three fucking around for?!"
     One of them looked between Y/n and the others. He had the larger gun out of all of them. "Um we're just talkin' about where to go next."
     "All I'm hearing are excuses." When she was close enough she sucker punched the man ripping the gun out of his hands as he fell. She quickly shot the other two before they could do anything.
     She looked down at the man clutching his nose on the ground. "You know where Arisu is?"
     "What the fuck man?!" He cried out in pain.
     "Tell me where Arisu is before I put six in your chest!" She yelled.
      "He's in the main building!"
     "Was that so hard?" She asked stepping away from him and picking up the gun of the two dead militants. She shoved them in her large robe pockets.
     "Hey!" A man in a baseball cap ran to her. "Your Y/n right?"
     That's when she recognized him. "Your that guy Arisu saved in the tag game."
     "Yes, I'm Tatta." He smiled. "I'm looking for Arisu."
     "He's in the main building, I'm heading there now." She said and began walking.
     Tatta followed behind her glancingly at the large gun in her hand. "You know how to use that?"
     "There's Usagi!" Tatta pointed down a hallway before calling out to Usagi and Asahi. "Hey Arisu is in the main building."
     They ran to join the two. Usagi looked at Y/n oddly. "How'd you get a gun?"
     "A giant black robe and confidence get you a long way in the world apparently." She shrugged. "C'mon, we have to find Arisu."
     The group made their way to the main building. Smoke began to collet in the hallways as it became quieter and quieter. Suddenly Usagi stopped.
     "Do you hear that?" She asked the group.
     The faint sound of someone calling out came from a room next to them. She tried to open it but it was locked.
     "Move." Y/n ordered and put a bullet in the lock before pushing the door open.
     Arisu was on the ground beaten bloody. His face was ducted taped and he was tied to a chair. Usagi and Tatta ran into the room to help him while Asahi and Y/n waited for them.
     "Can you guys hurry up?" Asahi asked anxiously.
     "There!" Usagi lifted Arisu up with Tatta's help.
     The group left that area and found a safe room to stay in for the time being. Arisu sat on the bed catching his breath.
     "So the beach has become a game arena?" Arisu said.
     Tatta nodded. "It's a witch hunt. We have to find who murdered Momoka."
     Arisu sat in through for a while. "I think I understand. It's a hearts game so everything is meant to mess with us."
He sat there for another minute before he looked up at everyone. "I think I know who the witch is."

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