Stage Two: XVI

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[Started: 1/17/2023]
[Ended: 1/17/2023]
[Song: The Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd and Nope by Michael Abels.]

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Alice In Borderlands
"The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously. invasive and vulnerable."

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Chapter Sixteen
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The face is a very vascular area of the body. So you can imagine the amount of blood that covered Y/n and ran down Seda's face. She tossed a bloody spoon on the table and lifted the eyeball in front of her via the optical nerve.
"Gross." She commented.
Seda sat slumped in the chair still breathing. Y/n looked at him without an ounce of pity. "Don't take it personal." She began to walk to the other side of the table with the eyeball. "Actually, do take it personally."

She sat down putting the eyeball in an empty glass. "Any last words before I kill you?" She pointed the gun at him.
"Do you have any remorse?" He looked at her with his one eye. "I built a paradise, you have destroyed it in under an hour. Don't you feel a little ashamed?"
Y/n looked off as if thinking about it for a moment. "No." And she pulled the trigger.
His body fell forward hitting the table. With a sigh she placed the gun on the table.

Her head snapped to the side. Daeko was standing there holding his neck. "Well done, honestly."
"You've lost already man." She told him. "Don't make me kill you."
He shook his head taking a seat at the table. "I was one of the first people to join him. Ever since I've regretted it."
Y/n looked at him to continue.
"I was hoping someone would come in here and end him. But they were all to stupid or gave into his manipulation." Daeko looked at her astonished. "How?"
"I have things I want to get back to." She replied. "And someone once taught me to never give up. Not till I'm dead."
Daeko looked down. "I wish I was as brave as you."
"I'm not brave, just motivated."
The man nodded. "How humble..."
Above them the blimp blew. Slowly it descended down landing on the other side of the building close to the tea table. Any plant or decor began to catch fire and travel to the stairs.

Y/n watched with a satisfied smiled. "Down with the bloody big head."
Her eyes shined with the fire of the blimp as blood dripped from her onto the floor. To many she would have seemed insane. In her mind she agreed with them.
     Daeko looked at the scene. "I think we should go...." He spotted the eyeball in a glass next to her. "I see you found my clue."
"That I did." She raised the glass peering at the dead eye.
"Sorry about putting it in the dead man's head." Daeko looked at her sheepishly,
     She chuckled at him. "Don't sweat it, c'mon."

    The two went down to the last floor. Y/n stood by the scanner and pulled the eyeball from the cup. Daeko watched in disgust and bewildered.
      "Ew." Y/n said blankly as she tried to wipe blood off it. She held it up to the scanner, struggling to grip the optical nerve. It took a few minutes but the elevator opened.

     "Congratulations, you have won the game."

    Daeko and Y/n stepped into the elevator. They were silent all the way down. Once they got to the lobby Y/n spoke.
     "Word of advice, Daeko. Don't give up, just surviving isn't enough. You have to live." She told him as they reached the door.
     He nodded taking in her words. "I think your right."
    She smiled. "I always am."

     Daeko and Y/n went their separate ways. After walking for a while Y/n took a break on a curb. She was in pain and exhausted. While she sat there she got as much blood off of her as possible but the robe was still stained. There were also burn marks were she had been shocked. The most noticeable on her temples and neck.

     Foot steps came from down the road. In the moonlit Y/n could see it was a girl. She was carrying a bow an arrow and had a prosthetic leg. The girl stopped in front of Y/n. They just looked at each other for a moment.
     "You look like shit." She told Y/n.
     Y/n glance at her leg. "You look like a pirate."
    The girl cracked a smile. "My names Akane."
   "Y/n." She greeted.
   "Players are gathering in Shibuya for the last two games." She informed.
    Y/n nodded. "I'll see you there then?"
   "Sure." Akane waved and left.

   An hour later Y/n still hadn't got up. Eventually she finally stood. Looking up at the sky she saw the queen of hearts blimp. She took a step when noise stopped her.
   Behind her there were footsteps followed by a voice. "Takeru?"
    Y/n turned around to find Aguni standing there. "What?" She frowned.
    "Oh, it's you." He stated blandly.
    She looked at him amused. "I'm surprise your alive. Expected though since Niragi is alive."
    "Your heading to the games?" He asked.
    She nodded. "You?"
    "I'm tracking someone but I'm guessing their going after the king of Spades." He explained.
   Y/n smiled jokingly. "Mind if I tag along?"
   "You got a gun?"
    She pulled the one she got from Jae out of her pocket.
    Aguni shrugged. "Don't slow me down." He ordered.
    "Wouldn't dream of it."

     The dark surrounded him as he stood on the roof looking at the building that was on fire. He had watched the blimp fall and a sly smile came to his face along with a certain fondness.
     "Didn't doubt you for a second." He said aloud.
     "Are you talking to yourself again?" Kuina came up behind him. She took notice of the fallen blimp. "Y/n did it."
     "I wonder what happened." He replied thoughtfully. "I'll bet she just barely made it out."
    Kuina frowned. "Have a little more faith. I'm sure she did great. Say you guys made up right."
    He rolled his eyes. "We weren't fighting but yes."
   "Good." She smiled before patting his back harshly. "Now let's go, An made food."
     With one last look Chishiya followed Kuina off the roof. But he couldn't stop wondering about what happened in her game. If his was so eye opening, what might've happened in hers?

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