Stage Two: X

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[Started: 1/13/2023]
[Ended: 1/15/2023]
[Song: Preparing The Trap by Michael Abels.]

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Alice In Borderlands
"The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously. invasive and vulnerable."

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Chapter Ten
"The Rabbit Hole."
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     This world was a rabbit hole of madness. It bends and twists wills. It breaks and hurts morality. It will pick you apart piece by piece. It will show you what you truly are. And if your not careful you can lose yourself to it. Go completely, and utterly mad. Like Hatter.

Y/n sat on the bed with her back on the wall. Multiple blankets wrapped around her as she shivered. Chishiya sat in front of her eating biscuits.
     "I told you." He said.
     She rolled her eyes. "I'm not hypothermic. Stop using your degree to gaslight me."
"Right." He looked down at the yellow packaging. "Can you tell me more about the clubs game? You said you almost lost."
She smiled almost fondly. "Kyuma almost beat us...he would have if it weren't for Tatta and Arisu. Tatta gave his life for us..."
"Shame, I liked that guy." Chishiya trailed of. "Kyuma not as much."
She glared at him. "You never even talked to him."
"But you did." He replied.
'Jealous bastard.'

Y/n looked at the biscuits. "Are those actually good?"
He smiled and held out the bag for her to take one. She did and took a small bite. "Not bad." She nodded her head in approval.
"So..." Chishiya set the bag in between them. "Now that everything with us is acknowledged, whats next?" He knew but he wanted to hear her say it. Only instead she said something unexpected.
"Join games, find the others." She answered taking another biscuit.
He shook his head. "No I meant-"
"I don't want a relationship with you, Chishiya." Y/n told him sternly.
His eyes narrowed at her. "I" he was honestly confused.
"After we defeat the face cards. Then maybe..." She explained herself.
He shrugged. "I guess that's fair."
"What game are you going to join next?" Y/n questioned him.
"I was thinking the king of diamonds." He smirked. "What are you going to join?"
"Spade, heart, there all the same to me." She looked at him a serious gleam in her eyes. "I'll win."

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Once again Y/n was tossed into the sand by old man. She was breathing heavily due to being worked so hard. After hours of learning fighting moves and techniques they were at the sparing portion in her training. She was not doing well.
"Ugh." She rolled into her back looking up at the sky. "I'm done!"
"No your not get up." Old man nudged her side with his foot.

When she didn't listen to him he sighed deeply. "Look kid, I get that you don't care about your life. You have nothing, no one, no future. But your still alive and young, you have the potential to live a fulfilling life."
'Who cares about all that shit?'
"I know what your thinking, who cares about all that shit." He made a bad attempt to mimic her voice. "And the answer is no one. But you should. Don't you want to be happy?"
She glared at the sky. "I don't even know what it is to be happy."
"That feeling you get when your in the ocean, I see it. That pure bliss. That is what it is to be happy. This place, the beach, the boat, the water, it makes you happy Y/n whether you like it or not. If you want to keep it you have to stay alive." Old Man's voice was stern and hard but had an air of caring around it. "If you do die, you should do it without any regrets. That means that even when your tired you have to get up. You keep fighting until you can't feel your body. Whatever happens you always get up, understand?"
Y/n nodded her head stubbornly. "Yeah whatever."
"Good. Now I'm going to keep kicking you until you get up."

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Y/n stood looking up at the tall building. She leaned on the cherry red car as Chishiya got out to trade places with her. He walked over to her as she kept a close eye on the building. Slowly and carefully he took the keys from her hand.
"Are you sure about this?"
She nodded her head. "Positive." Finally taking her gaze off the building she looked at Chishiya. "Are you scared?"
This time he looked up, only instead of the building he was looking at a blimp. "You don't want me to come with you?"
"I can handle this." She answered. "Plus, I'm pretty sure your the only one that can beat the king of diamonds."
He smirked. "Your probably right."
"Don't let it go to your head now." She chuckled at him.

He looked back at her again his face a blank unreadable void as if carefully calculating what to go next. "Just in case you die." Slowly his hand gently moved to her chin and jaw. He leaned in placing his lips on hers. He could feel a small bump from a cut she had on her lip. It reminds his just how much he wanted to do this their last night on the boat.
If it were up to him. They would have stayed like that. Maybe they would have drove off back to the boat to live the rest of their days in peace. But in the end, that could never happen.

Y/n pulled away first. She gazed at Chishiya almost as if she were afraid. "Please don't die."
"I'll try not to."
She moved away from the door of the car letting him get in the driver's seat. "Drive like you know how."
He smirked. "I'm a better driver than you." He started the car.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she moved to stand on the side walk. "Just go already."
With one last look Chishiya drove off leaving Y/n in front of the building. It was very tall with greenery growing up the sides. Through the windows she could see a fancy lobby with a few people waiting.

She walked in taking a careful look at the participants. One man who was standing near the reception desk, had glasses, dressed in mute brown colors, light brown hair, and a 5 o'clock shadow. His stance was timid and anxious, he seemed like a nerd. Then there were two other men. One was very tall while the other stood a few inches under, both however were absolutely jacked. There was also and older woman, she stood tall with her head held high. She had greys hair that she wore with pride, and she wasn't too out of shape for a woman of her age. But she also seemed incredibly snobbish and vain.
     There were also two more people in the room. Only they were very familiar. Yoko stood out immediately with her now fading curly blue hair. She gave Y/n a small wave from her spot on the couch.
     And the last was Seda with his same charming smile. He immediately came up to Y/n. He placed his hands on her shoulders in a friendly manner with a relieved smile.

    "Thank god." He breathed out. "It's so good to see a familiar face. I'm so glad your alive, Y/n."
     'Why the Fuck are you touching me right now?'
     "You too Seda." She nodded.

     "Registration is closed."
     "Difficulty, King of hearts."
     "Game, Escape room."

     No one ever sees it coming, the madness. And Y/n sure as hell didn't see it. The pure insanity was practically leaking from the front door. Yet she dove head first into the rabbit hole. The game was a show of human will, and Y/n's mind is the center stage.

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