Stage One: XX

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[Started: 1/6/2023]
[Ended: 1/6/2023]
[Song: Can't Help Myself by Alexandra Savior and Emotions by Brenda Lee.]

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Alice In Borderlands
STAGE ONE: Rubatosis
"The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat."

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Chapter Twenty
"If you got it you want to share it, if you share it you haven't got it."
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     Light shinned down through the surface of the water, glistening and shifting as the small waves rolled in. From below Y/n watched. Occasionally an air bubble would rise to the surface catching the light while it danced. The silence and weightlessness was her favorite part. It made everything in the world disappear.
     Only now she did look forward to certain things. Thats why when a dark shape covered the light a smile broke on Y/n's face. She swam to the surface joining Kuina who was laid flat on a long board. Y/n's own paddle board floated a few feet away.
     "You know it still freaks me out when you do that." Kuina sighed.
     Y/n pulled herself onto her board again. "Sorry." She apologized pulling back her hair.
     The water that day was calm and the sun beat down on them making them sweat. The cool water was refreshing and calming.
     Kuina sat up looking behind Y/n at the boat that was closer to shore. "I wonder if he does anything active? Do you think he worked out in the normal world?"
    Y/n glanced at the boat. Chishiya was sitting on the edge with a fishing pole in his hands. He didn't really know how to fish but it wasn't hard to figure out. Kuina had given it to him and said "make yourself useful" before she joined Y/n in the water.
     "Definitely not." She replied turning back to Kuina. "Did you?"
     "Yeah, I've always been pretty athletic." She smiled. "Hey where'd you learn to fight?"
      Y/n looked at the horizon, the sun was getting closer and closer to the ground. "An old man taught me when I first came here....he actually taught me everything. He taught me to fight, survive, sail, surf, and a lot more. The boats actually his."
      Kuina looked down at her hands. "I'm guessing he's....that must have been hard."
     Y/n nodded. "It was. He was already dying but it still hurt. I've never felt like that before and I never want to feel like that again. I'd rather die."
     "Is that another reason why you would give your life for your friends?" Kuina questioned.
     She sighed and looked past Y/n at the boat. "I want to get back home and see my mom again...but I feel the same. If it came down to it I would give my life for yours, even if you think you don't deserve it."
     Y/n smiled as her heart clenched. "Let's hope that never happens."
     "I don't know what you did to make you think you don't deserve to live. But just know I disagree. I think you deserve a second chance but you better get it right this time." Kuina told her sternly.
     "Believe me I'm trying." Y/n chuckled. "You know, in the normal world I don't have any friends. Not genuine ones like you. I have a problem with hating people before they hate me. Old man told me that not everyone in the world will annoy me and that I should give them a chance. The best decision I ever made was listening to him."
     "I'm glad you listened to him, I like being your friend." Kuina leaned back on her hand. "Promise me, when we go home we'll still be friends."
     Y/n smirked. "You won't be able to get rid of me."
     Suddenly Kuina gasped her eyes blown wide as she looked past Y/n.
     Confused she turned to look at the boat only to burst out laughing and Kuina followed. "Oh my god."
     "He fell in!" Kuina balled.
     "Can he swim?" Y/n asked squinting at the sight.
"Maybe one of us should go help him?" Kuina cringed.
Y/n slipped off her board into the water. "Not it." She laughed before sinking into the water.

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