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[Started: 1/19/2023]
[Ended: 1/22/2023]
[Song: Love Unconditionally by Dan Romer and Annie and Owen by Dan Romer.]

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Alice In Borderlands
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Everyone has experienced that odd phenomenon where they know the answer to something but for some reason they just cannot remember. It's on the tip of your tongue but never comes completely clear. That feeling had a death grip on Y/n.
     She woke up in a hospital. The white florescent light annoyed her and the bustling from outside her room buzzed in her ears. Finding herself completely alone she got up and left the room. Throughout the hallways were nurses running around and families reuniting with their loved ones. That's when Y/n remembered one thing.
     'That explosion....'
     As she walked down the hall she caught the news on a tv in one of the room. The bottom of a screen talked about an astroid that hit Tokyo.
     'So that's it.'
     "Miss!" A nurse rushed at her. "You shouldn't be up, please go back to your room." She put a hand on Y/n arm to guide her back.
    Y/n ripped her arm away. "I'm fine, I'm just taking a walk!"
    Not knowing what else to do the nurse ran off likely to get a supervisor. Taking the chance Y/n walked off down the hall.
    In the room she was previously standing by a man laid in bed. He had been watching her interaction intently. He had seen her many times and took an interest in her. Oddly enough, now when he looked at her a familiar fondness bloomed and when she left a longing took its place.
     "Something's changed." He muttered looking up at the ceiling. He felt completely different from before but he liked it.

     Y/n kept walking down the hall until she got to a bridge in the building. She looked down at the lower floor from the railing. Across from her was a girl reuniting with her mother. The older woman was in a wheelchair so the girl got on her knees to high her. Her father came up behind them looking at his daughter regretfully. Silently they looked at each other until the girl smiled.
     Y/n shifted her gaze to watch them. Something about the girl was incredibly familiar. Surprisingly Y/n wanted to talk to her.
    The girl caught Y/n looking an excused herself from her parents. She walked over to Y/n a brilliant smile on her face. "Hey do I know you from somewhere?"
    She shook her head. "I don't think so but you seem familiar actually."
    "That's so odd, I feel like I've known you for ages." She held out her hand. "I'm Kuina."
     She took her hand. "Y/n."
     "This might be a little weird but do you want to get coffee or something sometime?" Kuina questioned.
      "Yeah that sounds good." Y/n genuinely smiled.

     Later Y/n found herself walking outside. There were lots of people relearning how to walk with their injuries. Many families with their injured kin. There were a few tables outside. One was being occupied by two people playing chess. The other had a deck of cards spread out on it.
     As Y/n approached that table a gust of wind blew the cards off the table. The only remaining card was a joker card. It stared back at her a displeasing smile on its face.
     But she didn't feel dreadful or uncomfortable. Instead she felt accomplished. She felt as if the card in front of her were a trophy. She picked it up off of the table smiling at it. Her sudden change in behavior and unusual feelings she was having very well could deem her insane. But it didn't feel like it mattered.
    She pocketed the card and walked off.

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      A few months later.

Y/n stood in front of several stone slabs sticking tall out of the ground. At night the only thing illuminating it was a street lamp. Carved into them were names of the deceased. People who died when the meteor hit. She walked around the slab eventually spotting a name that felt oddly familiar. She ran her hand along the groves of the carving. "Kyuma." She muttered.
She caught sight of her pinky nail that was missing. Another familiar feeling came to her. Sighing in defeat she leaned her head against the stone. "I want to remember you."

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