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Wow, so that's the end of this book. It's kinda crazy how quick I wrote this. The editing took the longest mostly cause I hate reading my own work sometimes.

To be completely honest I think I could have wrote Chishiya better. It's just he's such a hard character to get right but I think I did him decently. There were also a lot of other things in this book I could have done better. Old Man's death for one, I wish I gave him something bigger. Also originally I gave him a name but then scrapped it and decided he should be nameless. Idk if people liked that or not.

And to those of you that think there might be a third season, it is possible but I don't think it's going to happen. In my opinion I think it ended perfectly and doing another season might ruin the show. If they do make a third season I might revisit this book idk.

Now that this book is done I will be looking to white another! As of right now I have no ideas and no inspiration. I've noticed that when I finish a project I feel empty and then I get depressed so trust that I will be publish something else after this pretty soon.

Anyways, thank you for reading my book. If you want to tell me your thoughts on it I very much appreciate that. And if anyone has ideas for future books I will definitely consider them :) Thanks again for reading this and I wish you all well!

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