Stage Two XVIII

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[Started: 1/19/2023]
[Ended: 1/19/2023]
[Song: Reflections by Draft Punk and SOULBOUND by Yutaka Yamada.]

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Alice In Borderlands
"The ambiguous intensity of looking. someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously. invasive and vulnerable."

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Chapter Eighteen
"The Fight."
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     Aguni ran across the road, Y/n following like a shadow behind him. The others followed them quickly as Arisu slipped away in another direction. The king of Spades ,who was now maskless to show off a shiny head, a horrific scar, and a blind eye, caught glimpse of the group running into an alley.
     Slowly he stalked towards the entry his knees bent making him lower to the ground. Aguni crossed into another alley making the man flinch. He continued down the alley in the way Aguni went.
     From another split off of the alley Kuina shot at the man. He retaliated quickly and she ran behind a corner cursing at the gun. "Why can't you hit anything?!" She tossed it to the ground.
     An appeared behind the king and shot at his back. Kuina took the opportunity to attack the king. She hit him with a sign that broke on impact. He pushed her against the wall mrauvering his gun to shoot her. An shot at him again making him release Kuina.
     She ducked and ran to the wall again. "An, you almost hit me!"
    "But I didn't!" She replied getting behind a wall.

     He moved towards Kuina as she ran away down another alley. When he got to the corner he was hit in the face with a gun. He staggered back and Y/n moved away from the wall pointing the gun at his chest. Just as she pulled the trigger he grabbed the barrel of the gun moving it away from him.
     "Ugh!" She elbowed him in the face but he wouldn't let go of the gun.
    He managed to rip it from her grasp tossing it away.
     "Duck!" Akane called.
    Y/n quickly ducked down rolling between the man's legs as Akane shot and arrow at him. He shot back as her missing by an inch. She ran down another path. He turned back to Y/n but found her gone along with the gun.

     Slowly he followed the way Akane went. He looked down an Alley to the back of a drug store to see Aguni standing there. They both shot at each other before Aguni ducked behind a wall. The king moved down the alley until Kuina came crashing out of a building raming him with a cart.
    He fell to the ground and he pointed at her. She ran out of the alley away from fire. Above him Usagi kicked over a vending machine. The box almost crushed him but he swiftly moved out of the way.

     Aguni moved from his spot shooting at the king again. Now close enough they grabbed onto each other. Both trying to over power the other. Seeing Aguni struggling Akane rushed in aiming an arrow at the man. He dodged it pushing away from Aguni. He however got back up and went at the kind again.
     An began shooting at him as he slammed Aguni into the wall. He shot back at her making her duck behind a box. The king grabbed Aguni's arm and began pummeling his side into the wall of the building. Then he threw Aguni off of him dropping his gun in the process. Aguni laid on the ground in pain as the king looked to the others.

     Y/n ran down the alley shooting at him as he grabbed his gun again. He aimed the pistol at her but she ducked and slammed her shoulder into his abdomen. Both of them toppled over. Y/n landed on the ground beside him. He pointed his gun at her again she moved his hand up as he pulled the trigger. No bullet came out just a clicking noise.
     Hearing this Y/n jumped to her feet pointing the gun at him. He dodged the bullets and rammed her into the wall. The impact made her body numb for a second. She dropped the gun and he grabbed her moving her away from the wall then solving her back against the wall again. He did this repeatedly over and over.

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