Stage Two: VII

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[Started: 1/12/2023]
[Ended: 1/12/2023]
[Song: GARGOYLES by Yutaka Yamada.]

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Alice In Borderlands
"The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously. invasive and vulnerable."

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Chapter Seven
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Banda sat on the ground his back against the wall. Matsushita stood leaning against the wall next to him. On the opposite side of Banda was the opening to the cells. Y/n leaned on the arch a bored look about her.
"How long do you think this will last?" Matsushita asked.
Banda replied blankly. "Until the Jack starts killing or someone afraid of the Jack does."
Near an opening to another hallway was Chishiya and Ippei. Both had over heard their conversation.

"What's your problem?!" A bald man with tattoos pushed a boy to the ground. "Hurry up and tell me fucker!"
Banda stood up and went over to the boy on the ground. "You alright?"
The boy nodded.
Banda leaned into his ear. "Tell him he's a club."
"You want some more huh?!" The man pulled the boy away from Banda threatening to hit him again.
"Club! Club! Your a club!" the boy cried.
The man let go of him and began walking away. "Tell me faster next time."

He walked by Ippei who saw a diamond on his collar. Ippei opened his mouth to tell him.
"Shhh." Chishiya shushed him. "Now the game is really starting."
Banda returned to the wall.
"I guess that's one way to kick things off." Y/n sighed.
Banda looked at her suspiciously. "That ugly blond keeps looking at you. Do you know each other?"
Y/n glanced at Chishiya. "Nope. Maybe I have a stalker?"
"Or an admirer." Matsushita tried to joke.
Banda and Y/n looked at him blankly. "Never go into comedy." The girl told him.
He looked away from the two in an embarrassed shuffle. Y/n and Banda just snickered at him.
"Y'know..." Y/n stretched out her words. "He's probably looking at you Banda...considering your...record."
Banda looked at her blankly.
"Just saying."

The next two rounds went by. The bald man died in the first and next the kid that killed him. Once again the three stood in the Guards room. Each round Matsushita had a biscuit snack that he would munch on. The loud crunching in the quiet room was slowly driving her insane.
Slowly her head turned to Matsushita as the packaging crinkled in his hand. He took out a biscuit making a loud crunch as he took a bite.
"Can you shut the fuck up?!" She exclaimed.
He lowered the package looking ashamed. "Sorry."
Banda chuckled at them and caught Chishiya's gaze. "He's staring again."

Y/n looked at the blond. "Maybe he's also annoyed by Matsushita's annoying choice of a snack."
Said man glanced at her. "I said I was sorry."
She scoffed. "Doesn't take away the fact that you did it."
A moment of silence passed through them. Then Y/n heard another crunch. She looked at Matshita who continued to eat the biscuit. She groaned and put up her hood before covering her hears.
She muttered curses at him.

Across from them Ippei and Chishiya stood. The boy followed the blonds indescribable stare. It almost seemed as if he were glaring at the girl in red. Ippei expected Chishiya to explain his reasoning for staring but he didn't.
"Why do you keep looking at them?" Ippei asked him.
Chishiya looked at the boy. "I'm trying to figure out her motive. She doesn't seem like she's trying to control anyone...but perhaps she's already in control."
"Control them?" Ippei asked referring to Banda and Matsushita.
Chishiya nodded.
"She doesn't seem that way." Ippei said taking in Y/n's annoyed expression that shot glared at Matsushita.
The blond shrugged. "I could be wrong. Maybe she's just along for the free pass."

Slowly people began killing each other off. Chishiya's group led by the sociopathic girl began dying off. One by one she convinced everyone to turn on each other until they went against her. Eventually only Chishiya and Ippei were left out of the group.
Of the other participants Banda, Matsushita, Y/n, the businessman, and his side piece were alive. In the entire group a pattern arose. The manipulators and the supposed victims. But then there was the wild card. The pyramid scheme that was Matsushita, Y/n, and Banda. It was clear Matsushita was on the bottom but it seemed Banda and Y/n were working for the top. Banda seemed calculated and ruthless while Y/n just seemed along for the ride.
Ippei however, was becoming guilt ridden. Having watched everyone kill each other he couldn't shake himself of the terrible feeling he had. To an outside force it looked like he was coming apart at the seems.

As he looked up at the board of faces Ippei cried. "This game is insane."
"Diamond." Chishiya said from behind him.
Ippei turned to the blond. "How long will this last?!" He then sat down overcome with sadness. "I can't take it anymore......I thought people were better than this."
"You've lived a blessed life." Chishiya stood beside him. "But you know, the reality we're faced with is happening right here and now. All you an I can do is tell each other what our suit is. That's the only way we'll survive." Chishiya bent down to Ippei. "Let's hang in there." He turned his back to him. "My suit?"
His breath quivering Ippei answered. "Heart."

Ippei sat in his cell as the count down started. "I....can't take this.... I can't do this anymore."
"I want out!"
Chishiya exit his cell and walked over to Ippei's. He peered inside seeing the boy in overalls dead on the floor.
"You were far to kind-hearted, Ippei." He looked away from the cell as the other left theirs. "Looks like I've lost my partner."
The other participants looked at him suspiciously before leaving the cell hallway.
"Guess I'm screwed."

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