Chapter 28 ~ Bitch, I Just Saved Your Ass

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"Happy!" Ned said turning around to find Happy.

"I gotta get you guys out of here! Get on the jet!" Happy spoke in a quick rushed manner.

"Who are you?"

"I work with Spider-Man and the Nightingale, okay?! Get on that jet!"

"You work for Spider-Man?"

"I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man!"

These kids were pissing him off.

"New plan. Into the Tower." Happy told them pointing to the large tower.


"Happy, are you okay?" Peter asked over coms.

"Yeah, we're okay. Just go get Beck. Allison?! I might need some backup." Happy said.


"Allison, your cutting out."

"Oh shit, her coms must be broken." Peter was bouncing around the drones webbing them up.

"Well that's just perfect." Happy stated sarcastically.

Without contact to Allison they didn't know what to do. Happy had a plan.

"Into the Crown Jewels vault! Yeah, go, go, go!"

Flash rolled his eyes at the older adult.

"Come on." MJ sassed.

"Go! Into the vault! The walls are 8 feet thick. Go into the vault!" Happy screamed.


"Into the vault. Go!" The teens and Happy ran in to the vault, hiding behind the doors and walls. A drone came in, searching for them.

"Take cover!"

They all hid behind the jewels and walls.

Happy needed to get rid of the drones so he could protect the teens. 

"Get that thing out! Go!" He told MJ and Ned.

MJ picked up a weapon with spikes and started to swing it at the drones, knocking a few down. Happy took a metal shield, attempting to throw it at the drones.

"How does Cap do that?!" Happy asked.

"Happy, say something, please, to let me know you're alive!" Peter said.

The line stayed dead. Peter got worried that something had happened to them.

"I'm here. I'm here."

Peter let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Happy, thank God."

"I bought us some time. But not much."

"I'm trying to get to Beck, but I can't shake these drones! Have you seen Allison?"

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