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Hello! Welcome to 'Claim To Fame', the first thing I have written that is based on reality!

If you have read my other books, you will know a bit about how my writing is layed out, and will probably not need this section.
But! But but but! Don't skip this part! There's a much needed character introduction here, so just scroll down to that's bit if you want!

Things that will NEVER be in here:
-Any Sexual Ships
-Anything that crosses any Streamer/YouTubers mentioned's boundaries (for obvious reasons)

Things that MAY be in here:
-Romantic Shipping (between OCs and any confirmed to be dating streamers)

Things that WILL be in here:
-Platonic Shipping
-Mental Health Issues for main OC

If anyone doesn't agree with the fact I've included Mental Health in this, as I may not understand it, please be aware that I am an active Mental Health patient, who is also waiting for a diagnosis for ADHD and Autism, and have based the OC of Taylor off of me, in the aspects of what I would do, and how this would affect me.

If this isn't something you feel comfortable reading, or don't want to read, feel free to click off at any time, but I will never include anything I feel uncomfortable with, and if anything needs a TW, like if there is a panic attack, any sh, or any character speaking about sensitive topics, there will be a TW at the top of the chapter.

If it is just a small section that talks about one of the sections above, then look out for this symbol in a TW chapter:


As this will show where a section mentioning any topics listed above starts and ends, this is just so that if anyone would prefer to read full chapters, they can.

TWs will be in bold, like this, so that people don't miss them!

Please be careful while reading!

Now that I have covered the Mental Health portion of this intro, let's head into character descriptions!

These are for separate OCs, that are not the Hermits, or any other CCs mentioned. Obviously, as mentioned in all of my works, these may be changed or updated as the story progresses, but for now this is what they will stay as.


Name : Alex May
Pronouns : He/Him
Sexuality : Straight?
Gender : Trans FtM
Dating : Single
Fun Fact/s : Likes Brodie? He thinks? He just seems unable to level with the group to even get close to Brodie.

Name : Brodie Rosè
Pronouns : He/Him
Sexuality : Gay
Gender : Male
Dating : Single
Fun Fact/s : Brodie only considered that he might be gay when Scarlett teased him about blushing in conversations with male friends. Also, Scarlett is his sister, and they are very close.

Name : Amira Voisey
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality : Pansexual & Polyamorous
Gender : Female
Dating : Hannah (999 person)
Fun Fact/s : Trying to date Maisie too, but is currently unsuccessful, due to Taylor's warnings to Maisie, and Maisie's fear of being heartbroken.

Name : Scarlett Rosè (ME! with a different surname)
Pronouns : She/They
Sexuality : Lesbian
Gender : Demi-Girl
Dating : Lily
Fun fact/s : Is depressed, but doesn't show it often, and knows how to hide it, and help others with it. Somehow they can't help herself though.
She also once knocked Brodie out with a pebble, but even now, neither of them know how this happened.

Name : Lily Hurcomb
Pronouns : They/Them
Sexuality : Pansexual
Gender : Non-Binary
Dating : Scarlett
Fun Fact/s : Likes ducks. And Scarlett. Kinda. And also has dyslexic.

Name : Donut Cinar
Pronouns : She/Her
Sexuality : Straight Ally
Gender : Female
Dating : Single
Fun Fact/s : Is a Muslim, and quite literally rolling with the lgbt. Acts emo as fuck, but gives you a gender and sexuality crisis once you get to know her. Just somehow never towards her, she seems to just make you question. Also, her real name is actually "Donut" but she often gets called "Dondu" as it's a bit more of a normal name.

Name : Maisie Blueberry
Pronouns : She/Her
Sexuality : Bisexual
Gender : Female
Dating : Single
Fun Fact/s : Hates Amira. That's literally it. And she refuses to forgive Amira after Scarlett's heart was broken.

And last but not least!

Name: Taylor Voisey OR Y/N, AKA, you!
Pronouns : They/Them
Sexuality : (your sexuality)
Gender : (your gender)
Dating : (even if you aren't single, love interests won't be for Taylor/YN anyway, just other OCs)
Fun Fact/s : Has so much character angst this may as well be titled "OC angst but MCYT".


This will mainly be written in Taylor's POV, and partially Scarlett's, but chapters 1 and 2 are in third person. I hope nobody has an issue with this!

Along with this, there will be no A/Ns, unless the chapter covers a sensitive topic, then there will be a small section in bold at the top of the chapter. This is because it is prewritten, and I don't feel a reason for it. I hope everyone understands!

Adding onto this, I may be completely remixing some aspects of season nine, as we are already pretty far into the season, and I can't remember exactly what's happened so far, so everything will be slightly different, with some parts being completely rewritten to my style.

But as this isn't fully set in Hermitcraft, and it is set in the real world, there will be only a few chapters devoted to Hermitcraft. The rest will be based on Taylor's life as a content creator, with some aspects of block game added in.

But yeah, as I said, this is the first time I'm writing something from realism, so I hope you enjoy!

(Also to my friends whose names I have stolen, feel free to DM me if you feel uncomfortable with your name being in this, and I will change it to a different name to the ones as is. The characters have been tweaked a little bit though, so I don't have your exact names, but still, let me know if you want them changed. Just try and let me know BEFORE I have uploaded chapter 5, I don't really want people getting repeated pings :) )

Fool me once, On the battle front | An OC in the MCYT worldWhere stories live. Discover now