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Lando's POV

"Is there any chance we can finish this early?" I ask one of the simulator engineers, as we're running the set of upgrades again. "It's Sunday morning, I was hoping I could actually go somewhere today."

"I think two more hours should be good for you. Oscar is scheduled for tomorrow, I don't see a problem." One of the engineers says, and I nod gratefully. I was hoping to catch the three o'clock flight to Dublin, hoping I'd make it to Aimee's concert tonight. The pact we made to keep trying was something I was planning on taking seriously.

"Thanks." I say with a small smile, getting into my simulator driving around a virtual Emilia-Romagna circuit. I've driven this track for hundreds of laps this week, preparing for the set of upgrades both me and Oscar were supposed to be getting. I was certain to be using them to the best of my advantage, the car feeling more and more suited for my style of driving.

After a rough two hours, I'm getting my backpack from my office at MTC. Checking my watch to see it's twelve thirty. I should be able to make it to the airport in time. I quickly make my way to my car driving to Heathrow airport. Thankful I had gotten my ticket booked in advance, I make my way through the airport. Getting stopped by fans frequently, but luckily for me, I made it to my gate with ten minutes to spare. Quickly taking my seat for the hour long flight I was taking.

I quickly text Ava that I did make it on the plane, so she knew to get someone to pick me up and get me to Aimee. Also to make sure I was booked on the flight to Monaco tomorrow, so we could spend two more days together. It was all a surprise for her. I have to admit the last few days we spent together felt perfect again. It made me realise that I should make time for her as well. Rather than expecting my girlfriend to make time for me. It's definitely something new for me, as my previous girlfriends were always able to set their lives around my hectic one. But I still believe it's worth trying.

The both of us have extremely busy schedules, travelling around the globe all the time. So if we're somewhat close we should take that to our advantage. I also couldn't help but forget the story Aimee had told me about one of her dancers making a move on her. She did handle it really well, but I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time he bothered her. I maybe wanted to send some kind of warning, maybe just him seeing me with Aimee was enough.

As the plane starts gaining in height, I open my laptop putting my headphones on as well. I open the file I had downloaded just before leaving MTC. Revealing the first version of the new Quadrant video, we had filmed earlier this week. I find myself smiling whenever Aimee is in shot, trying her best to be as competitive as possible. I knew she'd probably win in the cardio department, but that she'd be this fit I hadn't expected that.

I love how the editor had added the small clip of Aimee jumping into my arms after she won. Making the both of us fall over, causing all of us to laugh. I don't think there's ever been a girl that made me this happy.

I was so focussed on Aimee the first time watching, that I actually have to watch it another time before sending it back to the editor with the necessary points. Scheduling the email to be send when I reconnect to internet after I land.

Arriving at the Dublin airport was more of a mess than I had expected, as some fans had already tweeted I was travelling to Dublin. Many already linking it to Aimee's concert later tonight. Getting into the arrivals hall, I take some time for fans. That is until I finally spot Ava, making eye contact before she saves me from the many people, making our way to the car quickly.

"She's out for dinner with the dancers." Ava explains as she drives away from the airport. "I'll bring you to the hotel, to drop off your suitcases and then we can go meet up with them."

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