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"This restaurant is so cool." Ellis exclaims as we take a seat at the table Pierre's already seated. Relief came over me when I had realised that Pierre had brought his former teammate Yuki today as well. 

"It looks great here." I tell the boys, but Pierre more than Yuki as I take a seat. 

"It's my favourite place, it's modern and playful yet elegant." Pierre explains, when a waiter approaches our table and takes our drink orders. After that, I introduce the boys to Ellis and vice versa. 

The four of us connecting instantly, talking about anything and everything really. Pierre really interested in both Ellis' and my career. Whereas Yuki just seemed a little lost with all the talking. 

"Are you okay?" I ask Yuki, while Ellis is explaining to Pierre how you become a background dancer at concerts. 

"Yeah, just sometimes the English goes too fast." He admits, looking down a bit. I did know his English wasn't that advanced, but I hadn't realised we were speaking too fast for him. 

"Oh, sorry Yuki. Just tell me next time? We can slow down or explain things if you need us to." He just nods, a thankful glistening in his eye.

The dinner is very enjoyable. Pierre and Yuki are very good people to be with, both have a very joyful sense of humour. I have learned a lot about the two of them during the dinner. Pierre likes football a lot, has a great fashion sense and is actually working with Alpha Tauri to make another clothing line. Yuki lives for food, he even wants to open his own restaurant. And let me tell you, with all he's said tonight, I would love to eat there.

We ended up going to a club close to the restaurant, the one that Pierre had told me about. Pierre leads us to the back of the club, where a security guard lets us enter. The club is divided in two different levels, the lower one having a big dance floor and bar. It seems rather crowded, but we're guided to the upper floor. There's definitely not that many people there, but it means we can enjoy the night without being bothered too much. 

"Let's start with shots." Ellis yells over the music to the four of us, not listening to whatever we're answering as she's already walking to the bar. 

Within no time, Ellis is standing in front of us holding a platter with four bright coloured shots. We all take each before downing it, the burning alcohol making its way through my throat. This might turn into one of those nights I do not remember much from. 

As the four of us dance through the songs the DJ is playing, Pierre and I somehow ended up dancing a bit closer together than I would like. His hands finding their way to my waist as we dance to a slightly slower song. "You know," He whispers into my ear. "I think you'd be my type if you weren't taken." 

I can feel my cheeks burning, unsure of what to say. The right response would be removing his hands from my waist and increasing the distance. Yet, somehow my intoxicated mind really enjoys the attention he is giving me. I don't answer his statement, I don't move my body. I just stand there, swaying to the music as his hands still rest on my face. 

That is until our moment is broken by Yuki and Ellis handing us other shots. Ellis then tells me that she needs to go to the bathroom, dragging me along with her. It is then that I realise she's probably less intoxicated than I am and can still think somewhat properly. 

"You should care about what people could post about tonight." Ellis says as she exits the bathroom stall. "You seem to get really cosy with Pierre tonight." 

"I know." I can feel my cheeks burning up again, his words really did a number on me. "Which is why I invited you in the first place." 

"I know, it's why Pierre invited Yuki. At least that's what Yuki told me." 

"Please don't let there be any pictures of tonight out on socials. What would Lando think?" I somehow went from enjoying the night to slightly panicking. "I'm so freaking stupid." 

"We'll take care of it when it comes out, but right now is not the moment." Ellis states while guiding me to the bar, getting me some water to sober me up. I gratefully take the glass of water, eager to sober myself up. 

"I think it's time we call it a night." I feel slightly better, after having had a few glasses of water, but realise it might be better if we leave right now. 

We quickly find Pierre and Yuki telling them we are going back to our hotel, as we're supposed to have a long day tomorrow with interviews. The boys very understanding, as they have a travel day tomorrow. They'll be going to Barcelona, as will Lando. 

The next morning I wake up, very aware of what had happened last night. Grateful for Ellis getting me out of the situation. Also very aware that there were other people on the upper level. 

Opening my Instagram, I am met with with my biggest fear. A picture of Pierre and I. One of us dancing, being all up close with each other, Pierre's hands on my waist.


I can't help but read the text below the picture. 

Aimee Halstead cheating on Lando Norris with rival driver? 

Aimee Halstead has been spotted dancing up close with Formula 1 driver Pierre Gasly during a night out in Milan. The two had been spotted having dinner earlier that night with Yuki Tsunoda (another Formula 1 driver) and Ellis Glades (Aimee's background dancer). 

According to sources, Aimee and Pierre danced together during some romantic slow songs. Getting closer as the songs continued, until the pair was broken up by Ellis and Yuki handing them shots. Who knows what happened after they went home? And what would've happened when the two weren't interrupted? 

What do you think? Are they just friends or is there more to all this? 

I sigh deeply, I'm in a lot of trouble. And I don't even know how I feel about this all. I'm very aware that in the few months that Lando and I have been together, I have fallen hard for him. He's gentle and everything I need. Trying to get me the stability I need, also helping me to get through the struggles the media give me. 

That is exactly what Pierre did not manage. His actions, and my reluctance to ignore them, have gotten me more media attention. Heck, it'll even complicate my current relationships. 

I lock my phone, pressing the unlock button once again to check the time. Lando's definitely awake, and if I'm right he's currently traveling to Barcelona. He has definitely seen it, if he hadn't then he would've texted me. But he didn't. 

The last text we exchanged was yesterday, when I had told him we were leaving the restaurant to go to the club. He had told me to enjoy the night, and text him when I got home. I did do so, but he never responded. 

How the heck am I getting myself out of this. I take a deep breath once more, grabbing some clothes from my suitcase and walking to my en suite bathroom. 

After the shower and getting dressed, I stop by Ellis' room so we can have breakfast together. 

"Have you heard from Lando?" Ellis asks as we're sitting down at one of the tables. 

"Nope, and I can't reach him now as he's travelling. He'll probably get to Pierre before I get to talk to him too, because when he lands I'll be doing interviews." I move some fruit through my yogurt as I do so. Trying to soothe the pain I'm currently feeling. 

"It'll be alright, you've still got Yuki to prove that nothing's happened." Ellis tries to calm me, putting her hand over my free one. "He loves you, you two will make it work. You both know how media work." 

I take a deep breath, going over what I'm going to say now. "All I can do is hope. I know I haven't cheated on him and he should forgive me for what the pictures show. It's nothing really, but I'm scared he won't." 


Here's todays chapter, once more in the evening. That might happen more often coming up as I don't have that many chapters ready. (read as none at all) I might try and get tomorrow's chapter written. But if I don't finish it, I'll have to write it at night so it'll be another late update.

edited 30/1/2024

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