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Lando's POV

"So Aimee will come on stage in five or so minutes I think." I tell my grand parents and mom as we're watching the stagehands prepare the stage. 

"And you know this exactly because?" My mom chuckles. 

"Because I've seen this concert before." I tell them, my mom raising her eyebrows as I answer. 

"You don't know this information from just one concert Lan." My mom says, putting her hand around my shoulder. 

"I might have seen like half of them?" I say a small smile on my face. "They're all slightly different, but all amazing." I can't help but feel a small blush creep on my face. Luckily for me, there's not too much lighting in the arena, or else my mom or grandparents would've made fun of me. 

We watch the stage intently as the announcement for Aimee beams through the speakers. The dancers first taking the stage before Aimee pops up and starts performing. I look at Aimee, hitting most of the dance moves exactly at the right time. The moves less active as the first concert of the tour I saw. It's not because of a lack of energy, but the cast that is restraining her. There's less jumping around, more so walking around to reduce the thumping feeling shooting through her wrist. 

Every now and then I can see Aimee looking over at us, and I can't help but shoot her the brightest smile I've got in me. Resulting in a more enjoyable smile on Aimee's face as well. 

"She's really good at this." My grandfather tells me nudging my side. 

"I know." I smile proudly up at the stage. "I still can't believe I get to call her mine."

After the concert, we all go back to the hotel. Saying a quick goodbye to my family, before going to the hotel bar for post concert celebrations. Something Aimee, Ellis and Evi have deemed necessary early on in the tour. 

We leave for London early in the morning, and I know I'll need my sleep if I want to perform anything good in the simulator. So for now, I'm joining them, but I guess I'll be turning in early. 

"We're definitely doing shots tonight! It was a very good one." Evi cheers as we all sit down in the hotel bar. 

"Are you in too Lando?" Ellis asks, aware of the fact that I don't always drink. 

"Uhm, not today. Next week after my race we should all celebrate the end together." I tell them. "Max and Nyck are throwing this huge party, I think it's safe to say you're all invited." 

"Oh we're definitely joining." Evi says with a bright smile on her face, before walking off with Aimee to get drinks. 

Ellis and I chat a bit about the upcoming week, a lot of happy moments coming up. The restart of Formula 1 being a big one for me, whereas it's the last weekend of tour for them, with a double sold out Ziggo Dome.

After a few minutes both Evi and Aimee return, Aimee holding four cocktails, while Evi holds the shots. Aimee moves the cocktails around the table making sure everyone has the proper glass. 

"Here, it's virgin don't worry." Aimee says handing me one of the cocktails. 

"Thanks." I place a quick kiss on her cheek, the first bit of contact we've had after the concert. As I was designated to bring my family back here, while Aimee wrapped up at the arena. 

After finishing my drink, I decide that it's better for me to go back to our hotel room. I say my goodbyes to the three girls, giving Aimee a quick kiss before making my way back to our room. 


"Make it stop." Aimee groans next to me as my alarm wakes us up. It's only 6AM, but we've got a 9 o'clock flight to catch. And if I'm not mistaken it was about three hours ago that Aimee got into bed next to me. 

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