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I wish I could say something exciting happened at Lando's. But if we're being honest, it was just a big fun night in. All of us enjoying different board games while getting drunk. I hadn't realised I needed such a night, until Daniel and Max Verstappen walked me back to my apartment. It was just a bunch of fun, although everyone that was there seemed to have taken a liking in my Bern concert.

The drunken call to Ava were probably very bothersome for her. However, when everyone does show up, there'll be a pretty packed VIP section. As for right now, there's Guanyu, Valtteri, Mick, Max V, Daniel, Charles, Lando, Ria, Max F and Niran. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the list gets extended before the concert starts tomorrow.

After the joy and fun of last night, waking up early in the morning felt like the biggest task of my life. My bed felt wonderful, and my head at peace while my eyes were shut. The sound of my alarm made it impossible for me to stay in that position. The sound already causing a headache to appear, but opening my eyes to shut the alarm made it all much worse.

I shut the alarm, knowing very well that I actually need to get moving. The train won't wait for my arrival, not like Martin's private jet did last weekend. I sigh, trying to get my sore body out of bed. The sight of my already packed suitcase making this morning slightly easier.

Good job on packing it yesterday, Aims.

I sit down at my dinner table with a well deserved coffee, as my phone beeps. An incoming text from Ava telling me she's in front of my building. I quickly pour my coffee into the to go mug I've got, grabbing my bags and making my way to Ava's car.

"Good morning." Ava chirps as I sit down on the passenger side of her car.

"Morning." I push the sunglasses further up my nose, hoping to block out as much of the sunlight as possible.

"Care to tell me why half the F1 grid suddenly wants to come and watch your show?" She asks while we arrive at the Monte Carlo train station.

"Probably because quite a lot of them live in Switzerland, also it's not too far from Monaco."

"And they'd ditch teaming up with another driver for that?" Ava raises her eyebrows, she has no idea that Lando and I have grown this close again in this past week.

"You'd have to ask them about it. I was asked for tickets, referred them to you, as I always do."

We board the train, making small talk. Staying far away from topics neither of us want to talk about. Most important topic of the train travel, however, turned out to be the release of the videoclip this Saturday.

I don't think I've had a clip released this soon after filming. It made me nervous, although I new the editor we picked was very good at his work. It would all be fine.


The F1 drivers that would be attending my concert later tonight, had decided that they wanted to get to know me better. Deciding that I had to join them for an early dinner. They agreed that the Quadrant crew could come to. And I decided that I should be able to drag Evi and Ellis along too.

Martin sadly couldn't be here this weekend, having concerts of his own. Which meant that I had to celebrate tomorrows videoclip with whomever I could gather around me. It even made me decide that I would go and show the clip to the group of drivers before the concert, probably during the dinner.

"So if I'm understanding correctly, we're going out for dinner with F1 drivers?" Evi asks as we're stepping into a taxi to the restaurant Valtteri had texted me.

"We are. But don't be nervous they're just people, they don't bite." I chirp, checking my appearance in my phone camera.

"Which is why you keep checking your make-up every three seconds." Evi asks daringly.

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