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I look at my phone screen, looking at a picture of Lando and me. It was made by Ellis yesterday, while we were sat together in the corner of the garden. It was when Lando came to me after I had been talking to Charles. Lando has his arm wrapped around my shoulder, placing a kiss to the side of my head. It was loving and caring without being too intimate.

It was the picture I chose to announce our relationship once again. I felt truly happy in the moment that picture was taken, and it was radiating from me.

"Are you ready?" Lando asks holding up his phone. His phone showing a picture of the both of us enjoying the virgin mojitos on Max' private plane. The both of us wrote similar captions, announcing our relationship to the world.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say, placing my lips on his shortly before posting the picture.

Hi everyone,
For the last year all of you have been very invested in my (romantic) relationships, which is why I felt the need to write this post. After a lot of hanging out, talking and just spending time together, Lando and I have decided to give our relationship another try.

Please respect our privacy as well as our families' privacy as we discover our lives as a couple once again.

Thank you all for your support! Much love from the both of us<3

As soon as my phone signals that it was posted, I turn it off. Not wanting the negativity that was probably coming, to surround me. I was here to enjoy the final few days of this break.

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" I ask Lando as we're sitting on the side of the pool, legs hanging in the water. Everyone else went to the beach, but I didn't feel like that would be a good place to be. All the sand that could possibly get into my cast, as well as the water.

"We might be going even more faster than last time." He admits, and I chuckle slightly putting my head on his shoulder. "But it feels even more right this time."

"I know right. I felt like I wanted to take things slow, but now everything's out, and I just want to keep on moving." I tell him moving my head slightly so that I'm looking right at him. Our lips connecting, butterflies going crazy right at that moment.

I deepen the kiss by trailing my tongue over his bottom lip, while Lando tangles his hands in my hair. The kiss was filled with love and desire. Desire to be there for each other, through thick and thin. Confirmation that we were both all in.

I already was, I just hadn't dared to tell him that. But this kiss showed me that he was right there with me.


Lando's POV

"Is that all you need?" I ask Aimee. We're currently in her Monaco apartment, packing for the next two weeks. It's currently Friday and we're flying to Belgium tomorrow. Where we will probably have dinner with my grandparents and both our mothers tomorrow night. Which will most definitely be awkward as everyone but me speaks some sort of Dutch. After the concert, Aims is coming with me to Woking, where I've got some sim sessions planned before going to the Netherlands. Not only for the Dutch GP but also for the last of her concerts.

"It is." Aimee confirms and I zip up the big suitcase, something that Aimee was still very much incapable of with her arm in a cast.

"Good, now let's go to my place." I tell her, taking the suitcase with me to my car, while Aimee makes sure she closes off the apartment.

I drive us to my place, where I have to pack my stuff for the next two weeks. "I'll go and make dinner." Aimee says as I walk to my bed room, by suitcase already on my bed. When I open it, I spot the red velvet box I bought last week in Athens.

This would be too soon, wouldn't it?

It's a year since we met last week. That's too soon to propose right? I can't help but feel uncertain. I want to marry this beautiful girl, and there's no one else I see myself sharing a future with.

I put the box into my backpack that I usually bring to the track. Stuffing it with the necessities for the race in Zandvoort before putting it in my suitcase. She won't look in there. I then grab all the other things I will need, and zip up my suitcase too. Carrying it down the stairs to put it next to the door.

"I've made a pasta with chicken." Aimee says putting two plates on the dinner table.

"It both smells and looks amazing." I say sitting down at the table as we eat our dinner together. "Are you nervous to go and meet my grandparents properly?"

"Not really, I mean we've met once haven't we? They seemed lovely then, I'm sure they still are." She says. "I'm more worried about our moms ganging up, and confronting us about the fact that we were stubborn for a month and a half."

I laugh, knowing how my mom had been bugging me about our relationship. "Don't even mention that. Why did we invite them again?" He chuckles and I laugh.

The next day we fly to Belgium early, Aimees mom waiting at the Bruxelles airport for us. Aimee immediately leaps into her arms when she spots her mom. "Thanks for picking us up." She tells her.

"Always, you know that right." Her mom says, before releasing her grip on Aimee and pulling me in for a hug. "Lando. I'm happy to see you again." She says tightening her embrace.

"I'm happy to see you again too, Harriet." I tell her as she guides us to Aimee's car. My eyes widen as I see who are standing there.

I drop the suitcase, enveloping my grandparents in a tight embrace, before moving on to my mom. "You all came." I say smiling, family has always been important for me, and I'm so happy I can share this with Aimee.

We all split into two cars, and while I would love to spend more time with Aimee, we split up. I went in a car with my family, while she went and took her own car with her mom.

"I'm so happy you stopped being stubborn." My mom says as I drive us out of the airport parking lot.

"So am I mom." I say smiling, following Aimees car as I know she has probably put the GPS on. "But I might've done something stupid."

"Lando." My mom says giving me a stern look, you really don't want to mess with her.

"Not like that." I quickly interject. "I may have bought a ring."

"You what?" My grandma chimes in.

"I bought an engagement ring." I confirm to her.

"Don't you think that's a bit soon?" My grandpa adds, and I now know there's no escaping this subject.

"I do, but it feels so right." I admit as I can feel my cheeks turning red.

"If you think it's the right move then do it. We're proud of you no matter what, Lan." My mom says and I shoot her a smile. This went better than expected.

I know what to do know, although her dad is o the road very often, I might have to ask her mom.

Ava has already got our whole group checked into the hotel, handing us our key cards as soon as we arrive. Aimee really has got the best manager, and she even got Aimee out of the way for a bit, even if she didn't know what I was planning. Aimee had some interviews to do, and bid us goodbye. Telling us that she would make sure she could join us for dinner.

I put both our suitcases in the suite we're staying in, checking my appearance in the mirror. I look alright.

Making my way to Harriet's room, contemplating whether this is the right thing to do. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with Aimee, but is she ready to commit into doing the same?

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