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We dropped our bags at the hotel both McLaren and Ferrari are staying at, managing to snag the last free room in the hotel, before making our way to the track. Just our luck, that they still have a room available. 

"I'm a nervous wreck." I admit to Charlotte as we scan our paddock passes. Having left the McLaren cap at the hotel, very aware that Charlotte's appearance at the track will already get us the exposure anyway.

"Don't be, he's gonna be delighted." She says, as we walk into the paddock. I greet some people at the Red Bull part, some of them I've gotten to know a bit as I was spending time at the track while Lando was racing earlier this year. The red of Ferrari appearing in my face.

"You know, there's someone in there that would love to see you as well." I say, pointing towards where the Ferrari driver rooms are located. Charlotte just shrugs, wanting to continue. But my stopping my steps at the Ferrari garage had gotten us the attention of at least one of the drivers. The familiar Spanish driver making his way over to us.

"Aimee." Carlos says giving me a hug. "Does Lando know you're here?"

"Nope, please keep it that way." I say warningly, knowing Carlos might screw things up if I don't tell him to keep quiet.

"Charlotte." Carlos says, giving Charlotte a hug as well. "You know, I think he'd like to see you."

"I don't know about that." She admits.

"I do. Both of you care so much about each other. Just come with." Carlos decides, taking Charlottes hand dragging her into the Ferrari paddock.

"Good luck Char." I say before walking to the McLaren paddock, which is only a bit further. The papaya colour vibrant between the red, blue, green, and silver of other teams.

I sneak into the paddock, trying to locate Jona, Lando's press officer. When she sees me sneakily looking into the garage, she excuses herself making her way to me. "You're here." She says, a smile on her face. "He's gonna love that."

"I sure hope so." I say. "Where is he, he's still got some time left right?"

"He's in his drivers room, we'd told him to get changed already. Said we wanted to take some pics with his special helmet. But we've already done that this morning. He just doesn't know they weren't as bad as we told him." Jona explains, and I smile at her.

"Good and thank you." I say, walking to his drivers room, following the instructions Jona had given me. Nerves building up in me. Lando had been feeling so good this weekend. Starting from the second place today, topping one of the practise sessions as well. I suddenly felt worried that I was ruining this small flame burning inside him.

That is until I bump into a familiar body, as I am making my way to his drivers room. I can feel myself lose balance, until Lando's hands stabilise my waist. "Aimee?" He asks looking at me with surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Surprise?" I say, a small smile on my face. Lando places his lips on mine for a brief second.

"I love this surprise." He whispers, before placing a kiss on my neck as well. He then steps back a bit, I take in his appearance. Race suit hanging from his hips, fireproof top in one hand, topless chest. I slowly bite my bottom lip, really enjoying my view. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Lando says laughing at my starstruck state, making me sober up a bit.

"Why are you not wearing your fireproofs?" I ask pointing at the shirt in his hand.

"It's Oscars, must've gotten mixed up." He says, a door at the back end of the hallway we are in opening as well.

"Hey Lando, they mixed us up again." Oscar says, holding up a fireproof shirt again before making eye contact with me. "Oh hey Aimee!" I wave to him, letting Lando answer what this is all about.

"Yeah I know." Lando says, moving away from me, to exchange shirts, pulling it over his head and tugging it into the race suit. "Now come." He says grabbing my hand dragging me into his drivers room.

Lando closes the door behind us, placing his lips on mine once again. This time making it a much deeper and meaningful kiss. "If this is the welcome I get after firing someone, I'll do it every week." I say jokingly, pressing my lips against his once more. We just enjoy each others presence, lips moving in sync with each other, sometimes wandering off to discover other areas a bit. I can tell Lando wanting to take it further, but I was not planning on doing that in here. Lando places his lips on my neck, finding my sweet spot and nibbling at it a bit. I try to muffle away a moan, but it slightly escapes my lips anyway. "Lando, stop." I try to make him stop, but realise it almost sounds like I'm moaning. Knowing very well that if we don't stop now, Lando won't be the only one craving more.

"Are you sure?" He whispers, placing small kisses below my earlobe.

"Yes" I say, but it sounds more like a question and I know Lando can tell because I can feel him smiling against my lips. "We have to, I'm not having sex in here." I state, much more confident this time, at least I hope so.

This time Lando does stop, realising this is not what I want. "That's fine babe." He says, pecking my lips one more time. Yet I can't help but look down at Lando's crotch, knowing he's gotten himself a bit too excited.

"I'm sorry for that though." I say, biting my lip with a small smile.

"Don't worry, just make it up to me tonight." He says cheekily, before hurrying into the bathroom across the hallway.

I watch the race from the McLaren garage, Lando starting from second place got everyone even more hyped for this race. Lando got away from line pretty well, trailing behind Charles by merely a second. The fight between the two is remarkable. Very respectful but daring at times, switching places every few laps. The two of them being able to drive away from the rest of the field. Every time Charles passes the grand stand in first place, the roar of the fans is incredible. It is because of those fans that I know something big has happened, as I hear the gasps. I had just been looking down at my phone, texting Charlotte if everything was okay with her. She confirmed that everything was alright and she was watching in the Ferrari garage. When I heard the gasps, I looked up to see Charles having spun. He was still on track, but had to let both Lando and Max past with only two laps remaining.

I can feel my heart beating faster in my chest.

Lando said he felt like this could be the weekend. Will it really be?

I keep looking at the screen intently, noticing he's going into the final two turns, when I feel someone tugging my arm. I look up to see Jona and one of Lando's engineers motioning for me to come with, all of us climbing into the fences to watch him take his first win.

I can feel tears pricking in my eyes as Lando crosses the finish line. I can see the engineers hugging one another, everyone cheering as Lando takes home a first place trophy for the first time ever in his F1 career. I walk over to Zak, asking if I can say something over the radio. Very much aware of the fact that the whole world might be able to hear it.

Zak gives me his headset, telling me which switch to push when I talk. I press the button, ready to say something to Lando. "Yes Lan! You freaking did it!" I yell, happiness radiating off of me. "I'm so so proud of you, please remember that. Now go enjoy your victory lap."

I'm ushered to go join the rest of the team at the podium, where I locate Charlotte. She hugs me, telling me to wipe the tears away even if they are happy tears. Kelly also finds the two of us, not even questioning why Charlotte is there in the first place. Giving the two of us a hug before we look up at the podium. Watching our boyfriends, and Charles receive their trophies.

I don't think there is a moment I felt more pride in me than today. Very happy with the decision I made to come to this grand prix. I lock eyes with Lando as God Save The King plays. Tears forming in my eyes once more, I can feel the cameras on me as well. But today is not about me, it's about Lando. I couldn't care less if they would portray me as a love sick puppy crying for the accomplishments of her boyfriend. It is how I feel right now, and I am not going to let them take this away from me.


edited 11-01-2024

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