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Aimee's POV

"I love this city!" Ellis exclaims, as we're roaming around Prague city centre on Saturday afternoon. There's a lot of people out and about, the weather really good for the Czech capital. 

"I know right, the vibe is so good here. And best of all people don't bug us too much." Evi cheers as we sit down in a small bar for drinks. My eyes falling on the TV in the corner that's broadcasting the Formula One qualifying. I quickly tear my eyes away, not giving myself the time to check how he's doing. 

The girls have done a very good job at keeping me out of the media. But more importantly, they've shown their support and dedicated their entire week to cheering me up. Ellis flew with me to Monaco, helping me gather my stuff from Lando's and vice versa. We went out most of the nights, and yes we were spotted. However no one really took notice as Ellis and I were spotted out together many time already. Although some people did put one and one together once Lando and I had released our statements. 

"Aim, do you think it'd be okay if we have just one cocktail?" Evi asks me, tearing me out of my thoughts. "I know Tony would hate us for it, but I don't really care." 

"Yeah, let's just do one." I feel a little anxious as tonight will be the first interaction I will have with my fans after the break up. I think I could do with a little something to take the edge off. 

I should've expected it wouldn't stay with just one cocktail, while I'm out with Ellis and Evi. We somehow got invested in watching the F1 qualifying, getting into it a bit too intense. And once we had reached Q3, Ellis ordered our fourth cocktail. 

As the drivers drove around the Red Bull Ring, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the list showing the lap times. I couldn't help but see how Max kept getting ahead of Lando for every qualifying session. Not much difference in time, but Max just seemed to be timing his laps a bit better. 

I watch as Lando is on provisional pole, while Max drives a phenomenal first sector. Turning his times purple, as he does in the second sector too. It isn't until the third sector that Max makes a pretty big mistake. Max loses his rear, spinning on the track. He's able to keep the car on the track, although his chances for pole were ruined. 

"Yes! Go Lando!" I cheer as I see the cameras go to the McLaren garage where the team is celebrating Lando's pole. He's always been very fond of the Austrian track as it was his first podium. And I can only imagine this making his fondness of the track even bigger. 

I notice Ellis filming my reaction to Lando's qualifying finish, and I can tell other people in the bar are watching me too. Many having an amused smile on their faces. They must not see a McLaren fan out here that often. 

"You're not posting that. Pretty please?" I say pouting at Ellis. Knowing that this will stir rumours that I am not ready for. And honestly, I don't think Lando would do that either. 

"No, I'll just use it as insurance." A cheeky smile on her face, one that falters once her phone starts ringing. "Shit, it's Ava." 

"Well pick it up." I say, not wanting to make Ava angry. The fact that she's calling Ellis must mean that I've already missed her call and she's already a bit pissed. 

"Hi Ava!" Ellis answer her phone cheerfully. "You're on speaker." 

"Good." Ava's voice sounds. "Where are you girls? You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago." I look at Ellis and Evi, our eyes big. We didn't screw up our schedules? Did we.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I had to pee, and there was this big line. We're on our way right now." Evi says as I'm quick to pay for our drinks. The three of us rushing out of the bar, finding a taxi to bring us to the arena. 

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