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Exclusive interview with Lando Norris

We are meeting with Lando after his disappointing DNF in Austria. The young Brit managed to get pole position, but due to engine failure he and his car had to retire. Even after the tough week Lando had endured, he seemed to be his smiley self. Just before this weekend, Lando and his team had announced a ban on private questions. However, after extensive talks we have gotten the permission to ask some more personal questions.

Our conversation started with some talks about Lando's passion, his e-sports and lifestyle brand Quadrant. "We are still growing, and things look very bright for us. Even if we're not performing as hoped yet, we're still growing and getting better. I am very proud of the people who're a part of our team." Lando sports a bright smile as he says those words.

"Main goal?" I ask him as he's showing me more videos and photos from the team.

"I'd hope some major wins, more merchandise collections, maybe play a bigger role on the YouTube channel myself. But the most important thing for me is that we keep enjoying it."

"Having fun? Is that the most important thing in everything you do?" It's something we've heard more racing drivers of his generation say, and I am wondering whether it's the same for Lando.

"Well, I think that once you've got to keep doing something you don't enjoy, life gets pretty hard. I've seen many people my age go through burnout already, and I am sure that expectations are a big part of that. And that people can't thoroughly enjoy what they're doing because of that. I'd love to keep doing what I love forever, but as we've seen with Daniel, we all know that it might not last forever. So I like to surround with things I like, such as DJ'ing and and photography."

"About the DJ'ing, we all know you are great friends with Martin Garrix. Was he the reason you and Aimee met?" The smile Lando had been wearing during the beginning of the interview falters.

"No, we actually met last year at the Dutch Grand Prix where she was performing. And then ran into each other in Monaco before she left for tour. We kind of kept in touch, found out that we were in Texas at the same time things like that."

"You two aren't together anymore, Aimee made it no secret that media influence played a big role in it. What is your view on that?" I can tell Lando is shifting slightly uncomfortable in his seat.

"Well, let's be honest, we can't put it all down to media influence. I think there were some misunderstandings between us too. Although, we did manage to work those through, or so I'd like to believe. But we're both famous, we're in the spotlight 24/7. It's not like a normal person. When not famous friends of mine go out, the events of that night don't reach their partners before they're even home. It was that way with us, Aimee had a fun night with Pierre and Yuki, and photos and videos of that night were on my screen before Aimee had even made it back to the hotel. Things like that can hurt a relationship. It makes you doubt whatever your partner tells you, all of the time. And while I like to think that it's all okay, I'll form my own opinion, I don't. I get influenced just like the next person. I think it's a shame that it had such a big impact on our romantic relationship, but we're still friends who support each other tremendously."

At the end of his small speech, the smile has returned. It's refreshing to see him this open, something he hasn't been during the relationship. "That support was made very clear during Aimee's Prague concert in which she and the crowd chanted 'Let's go Lando'. What did you think of that?" A small blush creeps on Lando's cheeks as I ask him the question.

"To be honest, it wasn't really something I had expected she would do. But it was very nice to see, I think it showed everyone that we still care about each other. It wasn't just a statement we brought out and put on socials for that matter."

"Thank you for you honesty, Lando. Now let's talk racing."

"Another sore subject." He chuckles as the words leave his lips.

"It seems to be all tough subjects today." He nods at me, confirming that this interview is hard for him. "So obviously today didn't go as planned, what are your goals for the remainder of this season?"

"Well, obviously I want podiums, wins, fastest laps. Whatever I can get to show the people how good of a driver I am. I want to try and challenge for the third place in the constructors. I think that's a pretty big thing if we can get there. Of course, as it looks right now that spot will probably go to Mercedes or Ferrari. I'm just hoping we can get close enough to aim for that. Also, we've already started to develop next year's car. I'd love to get that to the point that we can use it to challenge for the championship. That's still the ultimate goal, a championship. Being constructors champions would already mean the world to me, but I'm an athlete and I can't help but wanting to get the WDC too."

"Thank you Lando. Go enjoy the evening here in Austria, I have heard the parties Red Bull throws here are amazing."

"Thank you for this interview." Lando says, before saying his goodbyes to the other people in the room and leaving us.

Overall Lando made a pretty great impression, showing us some of his real emotions. He's clearly working through some personal stuff, and all we can do is respect that. We all need time going through stuff like this. We wish him the best for the remainder of the season and those to come.

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