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"So you're telling me I can't drive you to the Quadrant headquarters?" Lando asks, disbelief written all over his face.

"Yeah pretty much."


"You know why. People will start talking immediately." I sit down on the bed in my hotelroom. The same bed in which we accidentally fell asleep last night. Lando finished his debrief earlier than expected and he asked if I wanted to watch a movie or something. I agreed, and within a hour he was knocking on my hotelroom's door.

All we did was talk about our day, I told him how I went on a walk and did a bit of sightseeing. I've been to the city multiple times already, hence we even did a tour of the venue the previous time I was here. But there's still a lot to discover, and I've also got my favourite places which I tend to revisit whenever I'm here. Lando explained about the debrief, and how he had to finish the loose ends, as no one is working during the summer break. It's the one proper break for him, and I can tell he was aching for it. He seemed exhausted.

Somewhere during the movie, Lando had fallen asleep with his arms wrapped around me. His head resting on mine. He seemed so peaceful that I really didn't want to wake him. And so I fell a sleep with him holding me.

"I'm not letting you take a taxi." He says, trying to force me into going into the office with him.

"Don't worry, Aarav is picking me up." The look on his face softens.

"Good." He says, wrapping his arms around me. "I don't want you getting ambushed in the city or something."

"I know Lan. But you should probably go, he'll be here soon."

"Yeah, I need to change too." He says looking at the McLaren branded outfit.

"Well go, or else you'll be late." I tell him, handing him his car keys.

"See you later." He says pressing a small kiss on my cheek before leaving the room.

I look at my phone screen, there's about fifteen minutes left before Aarav is here to pick me up. I quickly go into the bathroom, taking a brush through my hair and putting on a little bit of makeup. Once I'm content with how I'm looking, I grab my bag and head down to the lobby, so I can watch for Aarav.

Our drive to the Quadrant headquarters was spend catching up, talking about what they were planning on doing. I managed to figure out that we're supposed to film a cooking video.

"Please don't tell me you're forcing Lando to cook? The guy can burn water." I laugh at Aarav, who just told me we're filming a cooking video in which I'm participating too. The look on his face already gives away that Lando will be participating. "Don't tell me I'm on his team."

Aarav just laughs. "Right, I'm not supposed to tell you, but I believe it's you, Max and Lando agains Ria, Niran and me. Niran's much worse than Lando though, so you should be able to win still."

"Aarav." I say laughingly. "Lando and I barely cook. It's always arranged for us."

"Right." He says focussing his mind on the road again.

It wasn't a surprise for me that Lando had yet to arrive at the headquarters when we arrived. If he was really going to get a change of clothes, he wouldn't be here for another hour or so. At first nobody really seemed bothered by the fact that Lando hadn't arrived yet, we made small talk. Everyone mostly focussing on my tour and what I was up to. Prying some tickets from me for the London concerts in the process.

That was until they got pretty annoyed and decided to start the pre video briefing. "So nobody knows when Lando will be arriving?" Max asks, as he connects his laptop to the big screen.

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