Chapter 1 - I Must Be Dreaming

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The day started out as it usually did. The alarm I set for the morning went off, I stopped it and just laid in bed for a few more minutes to allow my body and mind to adjust to the fact I had to leave the comfort of my bed. Begrudgingly I slipped off the warm blankets while I sat up, allowing the cool air to hit my skin. "I should really stop sleeping with my fan on soon since winter is going to be here before I know it." I mumbled to myself as I finally got up from my bed. "Knowing me I'll still sleep with it on." A slight popping and cracking came from my body as I stretched my limbs, which felt nice. "Alright, time to start the day." To most it might seem weird to talk to yourself, but I didn't care. I threw caring about being weird ages ago. Instead it became my normal, especially with being considered a weirdo by my peers growing up. Though from my experience most of the people deemed weird by the world tended to be some of the coolest people ever.

Grabbing the house robe off of the back of the chair pushed up against the desk, that became the designated spot for all my sketchbooks, and putting it on I made my way to the kitchen. Upon arriving at my destination I search it for what I'd be having for breakfast, only to find that I need to buy some groceries. "Guess I'll be going shopping today. Man, I really wanted to spend my off day inside, but that's not happening." Since there wasn't much of an option between food for breakfast I ended up choosing to have cereal for breakfast. Though I ended up not having much milk so my bowl of cereal was more cereal than milk. It didn't take long to eat my breakfast, even though I did try to eat it as slow as possible. Just like eating, cleaning the bowl and spoon I used didn't take long.

I went back to my room to continue my morning routine, which took a few minutes because I got a bit distracted by my notifications on my phone, then got dressed for the day. Though I just put on an oversized graphic tee, some gray baggy pants, my shoes and an oversized jacket. It's not like I was going anywhere important, just the grocery store. I grab my phone and purse, which looks more like a small black backpack, before leaving my room. I go back to the kitchen and check what all I need, making a list in the notes app on my phone, so I don't forget anything while at the store or get something I already have plenty of. Though knowing me I'll probably forget something even with having a list. Once I was absolutely sure I had listed what I needed I headed over to the front door, shoving my phone in my pocket, then grabbed my keys and left the house, making sure the door was locked behind me.

The trip to the grocery store wasn't a long one, nor was it really an eventful trip. Though it did drain some of my energy, I'm not going to let that stop me. I had put away all the groceries and spent some time watching some tv, mostly some movies I had bought because there usually isn't anything interesting to watch on tv nowadays. At least not in my opinion. Of course a lot of the things I tend to want to watch are only available online, which usually means I have my computer somehow connected to my tv to watch them on the bigger screen. Though with my current hyperfixation I've just been watching Monkey King movies, or shows, more than anything else. Luckily I live alone in a house that I rent, which I'm honestly grateful for since it's a house owned by a family friend and they were wanting to see if anyone they knew needed a place before renting it out to strangers or just straight up selling the place, so no one has to deal with my, as my friend calls it, obsession with the fictional monkey.

That's when something strange started to happen. The television started to bug out before the screen went blank and the audio stopped, but the tv didn't actually turn off. I could tell it wasn't off based on the light at the bottom of it being off instead of on. "Great, the tv is broken." I got up from the couch and went over to the tv, checking to see if there was anything that could be causing the problem before ultimately giving a bit of a hit on the side to see if that would work. Of course that didn't work. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I try to figure out what to do. "I guess I'll have to call Jan to let her know that the tv is broken." I walk back over to the couch and grab my phone, unlocking it and scrolling through my contacts for Jan's number. Before I can even click on her number a loud thud followed by the sound of neighing comes from outside, more towards the backyard.

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