Chapter 10 - The Move

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"I can't believe the two of you are leaving today. I'm going to miss you both!" I softly laugh as Mei gives both me and May a hug, which we both returned. "We'll visit whenever we can and maybe you could come visit us!" May says to quell the sadness in Mei. "Yeah! We could all visit!" MK adds as he joins in on the hug. I do my best to wiggle out of the group hug because of the feeling of being suffocated by the hug. Luckily I'm able to get free from it, leaving the other three to hug it all out.

"Do they know?" I look at Pigsy as he shifts his gaze from the three young adults hugging to me. I shake my head as I smile softly. "No, but I'll be discussing it with May when we get home. I'd rather her not get all worked up over it before we fly home. Plus it'll be a fun surprise for the others." He nods as he looks back at the others. "Well, you're always welcome at Pigsy's Noodles." My smile grows as I pull the pig demon in for a hug. "Thank you Bajie." He returns the hug with a small smile on his face. "Anything for the girl that showed us so much kindness all that time ago."

We were about to pull away only to be picked up and hugged by Sandy. "It's going to be so sad without you around!" I giggle softly at the giant blue man's words. "It's going to be okay Wujing. I'll be back before you know it and we'll be having all the tea we can drink." This doesn't bring the hug to an end, but it's okay. It's only when Pigsy lightly taps Sandy's shoulder do we get placed down.

May and I receive hugs from the others, but as she's busy talking about something with the others I notice a familiar face hanging out in my shadow. "Guess I couldn't leave without you coming to say bye, huh?" The smirk on the face grew before Macaque decided to leave my shadow. "You're getting better at noticing your surroundings." I roll my eyes as I shake my head, a smile on my face. "Too proud to say you're actually going to miss me? I shouldn't expect any less from you Copycat."

The two of us laugh before I pull Macaque into a hug, knowing him well enough that he won't initiate the hug. He tenses up immediately at the physical contact, but slowly relaxes when he realizes what I'm doing. I can feel his uncertainty with the hug, but I don't say anything to let him process the interaction at his own speed. Though he does return the hug. "I'm going to miss you Macaque. Though I'll be back soon so don't miss me too much while I'm gone." I mumble to him, knowing full well he can still hear me as if I was talking at a normal volume. "Be safe Sugarplum. Wouldn't want to worry that Great Sage of yours."

"Psh, like I don't know how to be safe." I say as I pull away from the shadow monkey. "Says the one who got kidnapped by yours truly." I lightly hit his shoulder. Before any other words or hugs could be exchanged we heard over the intercom that the flight for me and May was now boarding. "Guess we have to go now." I say and softly sigh, a bit sad that Wukong didn't show up. Yet I know I'll see again in a few months, it didn't cause the desire to see him one last time disappear. I didn't get to dwell on the thought as May grabbed my arm and pulled me off towards the boarding line.

When we returned home I told May my plan, which went better than I thought it was. Though I guess she could see that I'm meant to be in Megapolis after that trip. I was grateful that the rest of my family, that I keep in contact with, and the homeowners I'm renting from took it all well. I tried my best to figure out when I'd be leaving, but I couldn't at first. It took some time. Especially since I was having to learn a lot of new information in order to be able to live in Megapolis permanently.

It was now a new year, well actually it's November almost December, and I was returning to China like I said I was since I'm now a citizen of China. It took a few months, but it was worth it. Especially now that I get to be closer to the friends I've missed dearly. Though it wasn't going to be like it used to be, but that's okay. Now was going to be a new adventure.

I had informed Pigsy that I had landed and that I'd be visiting the noodle shop after I got to my new apartment. He didn't answer as soon as I told him, but that's fine since I know he's busy with work. Probably because MK is busy training with Wukong. Maybe even Macaque, but I don't know for sure. Though I do know that Macaque has become MK's official second mentor now that the two simians have rekindled their friendship. At least that's what I've heard from Pigsy since we kept in contact after I left the first time.

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