Chapter 3 - I Feel So Cursed

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A soft groan escapes my lips as I feel sleep leaving my body. "Gods, I had such a strange dream." I grumble as I shift around under the warm covers. "What kind of dream was it?" I quickly shoot up and look around for where the voice came from. I spot Wukong sitting on top of my bookshelf as if it's a place people normally sit. "Fuck." I lay back down, grabbing a pillow and smothering my face with it. I hear a snicker followed by the sound of something dropping down and landing on the floor, which I assume is Monkey King getting down from my bookshelf. Yet I continue to smother my face with the pillow as I try to rationalize everything that's currently my life. Since my mind was focused on that I failed to notice the sound of footsteps approaching my bed. It wasn't until I felt the bed dip from a new weight on it. I remove the pillow from my face to see Wukong sitting on the free space beside me. "Why are you in my room? Didn't I say my room is off limits to you."

"You never said that. You just said don't go in it. Besides, when have I ever listened to anything anyone tells me to do?" I sit up and lightly smack him with the pillow in my hands. "Don't go in means off limits, you silly monkey." He rolls his eyes, but the smirk on his face clues me in on that he's not really taking my words to heart. "Also you listened to Guanyin to protect the monk Tang. Also you listen to whatever your master tells you to do." He opens his mouth to say something that would prove me wrong, but he closes it as he takes the pillow out of my hands and playfully hits me with it like I did to him. A laugh bubbles out of me as he keeps hitting me with the pillow while I try and fail to stop him.

"悟空?" The new voice brings our little fun to an end so suddenly. The said simian throws the pillow right at my face, a soft oof escaping me, as he quickly gets up from my bed. I put the pillow where it's supposed to go as I slightly listen to Wukong talk with Sanzang. Though it's not like I can understand what either one of them are saying since I don't speak Chinese currently. I do catch the not so subtle glances at me as they spoke and the disappointed look on the monk's face. He's probably disappointed with Wukong for not listening to my rule of staying out of my room or something. The monk gives me a smile and a slight bow before disappearing from my sight with the monkey demon following him. I just sit there for a bit before getting up and starting my usual morning routine, even though it's nearly lunchtime. It didn't take me long to get dressed and look presentable.

I go into the kitchen to get myself something to eat to find Bajie and Wujing preparing some food, most likely for lunch. So I decided to grab some fruit to just tie me over till lunch then head off to the living room. I'm casually eating the fruit as I enter the room to find Sanzang by himself, which is confusing since one of the three demons is usually hanging around him to make sure nothing will happen to him. Hesitantly, and awkwardly, I sit down beside the monk. We end up sitting there in silence, minus my chewing on the fruit I'm having as a pseudo-breakfast. However, that didn't last long as my phone started ringing. I softly groan in annoyance as I pull my phone out of my pocket. "I'm not dealing with you right now. I already have enough to deal with at the moment." I hit the power button on my phone to stop the ringtone and let the call go to voicemail in hopes I can act like I didn't hear my phone ring.

"一切都好吗?" I look at Sanzang as the call goes to voicemail. I may not know what he said, but I can guess it's related to the phone call. "Don't worry about that. It's just someone I don't really have the time to be talking to." I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to ask more, but decided against it. Internally I'm grateful he didn't push the subject more. I didn't want to think too much about the person at the moment and cause myself to go down a rabbit hole that would consume my whole being, which would just make getting the five of them back to where they're supposed to be take even longer. A soft sigh escapes me as I lose my appetite from just thinking about that person. I needed a distraction and I knew exactly what I could do to distract my mind.

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