Chapter 5 - Heartaches

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A mountain stood tall with all sorts of vegetation covering different parts of it, but it looked as if it had been destroyed and reformed over the years. I didn't recognize the mountain, but it had a familiar presence to it. It reminded me of the Monkey King. Though I couldn't figure out why that is.

"He used to be trapped under this mountain many centuries ago." I jump at the unfamiliar voice and look in the direction it came from. There stood a woman that I could only guess to be Guanyin, simply from how many times she's aided the group that has been staying at my home. "I am indeed Guanyin. I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now."

"Oh... Is it because Sanzang is stuck at my home instead of journeying westward to get the sacred scrolls?" She softly smiles at me. "I believe you already know the answer to that." I nod and look back at the mountain. "Am I dead?"

"No, but you are in a rather rough shape."

"Am I going to die?"

"One day, but not today. There are things you must do first before that day comes."

"I'm guessing that figuring out what Wukong truly loves is what I'm supposed to do."

"What's to say you haven't done that already?"

"Well the group is still here so I doubt I have."

"Just because they are still around doesn't mean you haven't done it."

"Then what does he truly love?"

"He loves many things, but that is not why they are still around."

I look at Guanyin in confusion. "What do you mean? Shouldn't they have returned to where they're supposed to be when Wukong finds something he truly loves?" She gives me a gentle smile before looking at the mountain. "You know what needs to happen in order for them to return, but are you willing to do what must be done?" This causes even more confusion. However, I don't get a chance to ask more questions as everything around me starts to fade away. "I don't understand, what must I do? Guanyin! Guanyin!"

"Guanyin!" I shout out as I return to the conscious world. Not surprisingly I sat up when I did, which hurt like hell. I wince in pain and place a hand on my abdomen, as if that would ease the pain. I heard the sound of rushing footsteps and my name being called out followed by the sound of a door being burst open. I look in the direction of all the sounds to find people rushing into the room. "Lay down you idiot, you're going to cause more pain to your body." I just ignore May's comment as I look at the others that had followed her. "Is Guanyin always so cryptic or is that just a deity thing?" May sighs as she leaves the room, most likely to get me some painkillers or something since I'm not listening to her. "Sometimes it's a deity thing. Why do you ask?"

"Well she said that there's something that I know I must do in order to send you all back to where you're supposed to be, but I have no clue what she meant by that." It didn't take me long to notice that it really was only Bajie and Wujing in my room, which I realized I was in not too long ago. I wanted to ask where the others were, but I didn't get a chance as Wujing spoke again. "What did she say exactly?"

"Like I said, I apparently know what to do to send you all back, but am I willing to do it. Which is confusing because I don't know what it is I must do. All I know is that Wukong has to..." I trail off as I come to the realization of what I have to do. However, I don't know if I can actually do it. "What? Did you figure out what you have to do?"

I stayed quiet as May returned with painkillers, just like I suspected she was, and a glass of water. I took the painkillers as soon as I was handed them, still avoiding answering the question. I didn't know how to explain what was going through my head since it sounded stupid. Yet it's the only thing I could do without doing anything that'd cause harm to many people.

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