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Someone's POV:

Zhan and Yibo were sitting facing each other in a Chinese restaurant at the very end corner. Both were having their lunch in silence. Only the sound of a melodious music ringed in their ears. To break the awkward silence Zhan asked finishing his lunch

"What about your research?"

Wang Yibo shook his head  "haven't got anything yet"

"Don't mind what people say, ignore them"  said Zhan

Even though Xiao Zhan was indifferent to his surroundings, his ears were quite observant when the person he was married to was the subject of gossip.

But if we don't do anything everything will go out of control." Yibo said nonchalantly.

Xiao Zhan chuckled seeing how adorably Yibo was looking at him.
"the greater we try to explain, bigger issue will be created"

"But Gege, they called me mistress. Yibo said, growling. While the man sitting next to him was soft enough to listen to his partner's complaints.

"I am your legal partner, a rumor won't change anything, So don't think about it anymore. Okay!" Yibo shrugged his shoulders with a dull face.

Obviously this little boy's
character was not his speciality a few months ago. Where, he never even showed a tired face when he met his father who abandoned him nine years ago.
But, when he had Xiao Zhan by his side, for some reason he was very comfortable with the cold man who rarely smiled.

"Let's go back to the hospital."  Xiao Zhan held Yibo's hand gently.

Although suprised, Yibo smiled a little. Xiao Zhan pulled him here and there at his own will

Gege, what time will you go  home?" Yibo asked as they now walked down the subway.

"I don't know, depending on whether I have surgeries or not. If not then I can go back early"
"But Why?"

asked Xiao Zhan, Yibo scratched his neck in confusion, thinking how to explain.

"No, it's okay  what do you do when you don't have a surgery?"

"Hmmm, a lot. I like to read patient files. Then check out some of the patient's conditions. Yes, there is a lot of things that I do."

Oh " Yibo said in disappointment.

Zhan understood it so he said,
But because I am married now. I will go straight home."

"Huh? "

Yibo initially a little surprised but soon gave a big smile.
He didn't know what made his
heartbeat faster, he only knew that he is happy to have Xiao Zhan beside him for the rest of his life.


What happened to Wang Yibo? Maybe if that person knew well the nature of the young man he would also be surprised.
He was cooking while humming songs.
Remembering, how his father and brother who had been treating him. Until he was in the doctrine of being Wang Yibo who was independent, from and did not say much. Especially humming and smiling broadly like this. Certainly not Wang Yibo as usual.
His small, round eyes continued to curve as he began to put ingredients into the pan which spread a delicious aroma in the kitchen to make one hungry.
Really sweet, this side of the man seems to be good at cooking. And he did this solely for his partner Xiao Zhan.
After almost 2 hours of struggle in the kitchen, simple but very enjoyable cuisine served at the dinner table.
Yibo himself smiled proudly, even funny how he
imagined Xiao Zhan would say
thanks with a big smile. Or give a kiss.
Oh no, why is Wang Yibo being a pervert like this?
Quickly Yibo hit his head and then
walked to the bathroom to clean himself. So that when Xiao Zhan sees him , he didn't look ugly. It's been enough all this time he looks strange when he got married. This time, he will show that he is worthy of Xiao Zhan.

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