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His full name was Wang Yibo. He was borne off of a wealthy aristocrat family of the Wangs and he was in his first year of his college. He was not less handsome than a prince. After his father died at an young age, his mother married a man and made him the owner of the company. Wang Yibo had a younger brother Wang Haikuan. His stepfather's company was bankrupt so as a future heir of the company, he was supposed to compensate the money so as a result when his father arranged his marriage with the son of China's most richest buisness tycoon, Xiao Zhan he didn't disagree with the marriage. Yibo was not interested to know anything about his husband. But his stepfather's personal driver who used to tell him stories from childhood told that, the name of his fiancee was Xiao Zhan and he was thirty six years old.

The first of January, yes that day his ridiculous wedding was planned. He was dressed in black tuxedo waiting for his fiancee. He tried to maintain a happy face as his father instructed him not to behave coldly with anyone. He was going to marey someone whom he didn't even know or saw before and above that a man, which made his head more dizzy with confusion of how his future husband would be. Different negative thoughts brushed off Yibo's mind as he was waiting for his future husband upstairs in his mansion.

"How can my father arrange my marriage with a man who is f*cking eighteen years older than me, does this man really have that much money to compensate our company? What if he is a pervert of pedophile? Or someone cruel? But I have to marry him for the sake of my stepfather, he loves me very much and I should obey him" thought Yibo as he got goosebumps from those thoughts. He wanted to run away but couldn't for the sake of his father. He didn't even see how Xiao Zhan looked, rather he was not at all interested to see it. He already knew his life was doomed in the hands of someone who is that much older than him.

"Yibo, what are you daydreaming about?" Asked his father as his voice snapped Yibo from his own thoughts. Yibo glanced at the watch once and stood in front of the mirror to check his appearance which was perfectly wrapped in black coat. No hint of happiness or sadness was found in his face, it was expression less and cold.

"Hurry up, your fiancee is waiting downstairs"
said his father, staring at his step son.
"Papa, I love you" exclaimed Yibo with a smile on the corner of his lips to assure that he was happy. Yibo sighed and went downstairs to go the wedding Avenue with his fiancee. He saw him for the first time, a tall, handsome man who looked much younger than his age with a perfect body with perfect visuals. Their wedding was plain and simple with not much people invited.
Xiao Zhan was busy studying different documents sitting beside Yibo, on the aeroplane which was returning from Los Angeles to China. It was his usual work, after returning from the hospital. He has been doing that for above ten years. He was internationally famous among doctors as a surgeon. He was so wealthy that he could even buy many islands and places whenever he wanted. Though he was middle aged but many young women crushed over him and wanted to marry him. He was not like the most other men in their middle thirties who already looked older with some or other kind of health problems. His body was masculine and beautiful like a model which can melt the hearts of many but not Yibo. Yibo was busy reading his course book, who didn't even bothered to talk with his newly married husband. He thought that it was not right to remain silent like this, after all Xiao Zhan didn't misbehave with him or even like that, it was not kind of him to be so cold. He was his legal partner. But why should Yibo talk with him? He is the only source of compensation and nothing else. But? Yibo brushed off his thoughts as he shook his head, which didn't go unnoticed by Zhan. Looking at his partner whom he married six hours ago, Zhan asked "What happened, why are you behaving like that?" Yibo who was busy reading the book now looked at his husband with furrowed eyebrows, for a moment both of them were silent or more because of Yibo's confusion of how Zhan was staring him, not even blinking his eyes
"Forget it!!" Exclaimed Zhan as he realised what he was doing and focused on his work again. Zhan thought his life partner was still so young yet so silent, people of his age are not so silent as him, but why? He didn't even looked sad.

"Uncle,may I go to the washroom first?" Said Yibo nonchalantly without even caring about the look of protest from the man he called uncle. He knew Zhan was uspet, but what was wrong with calling him uncle? He thought as he walked past Zhan.

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