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Doctor Meng stated that Yibo's childbirth process went smoothly. So today, exactly a week after being hospitalized, Yibo was allowed to go home. His recovery and return were eagerly awaited by the family, relatives, and friends of both Xiao Zhan and Yibo, who had gathered at Xiao's residence that afternoon. They were all very enthusiastic about welcoming the first grandchild of the wealthy family.

"The Xiao Zhan's car has arrived," Mrs. Xiao said, peeking through the glass window, prompting everyone to stand in front of the door with their respective items, such as balloons, trumpets, and cake.


"Surprise!" they shouted simultaneously, throwing flowers or other objects that hit Yibo, who was in the wheelchair with Wang Zi in his arms. Instead of being happy, Yibo covered Wang Zi's face, who was initially sound asleep but now slightly grumpy because he was disturbed. And Wang Zi started crying loudly.

"Oh, Mama Papa, what did you do? Look, Wangzi is crying," Xiao Zhan, the man pushing Yibo's wheelchair, immediately knelt in front of his lover, helping to calm Wangzi down.

It had been almost a week since Wangzi was born, disturbing the peaceful lives of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. Even the two couples didn't sleep all night because Wangzi always woke up at night. And now, they planned to take a break, only to be disturbed again.

"Oh, don't be like that, Xiao Zhan. Mama and Papa and friends here just want to say congratulations," Mrs. Xiao felt guilty.

"But Ma, wasn't it enough to congratulate us at the hospital? It didn't need to be that extravagant..."

Remembering where his biological mother had caused a commotion at the hospital when she informed all the staff and workers there that she had become a grandmother. And of course, upon hearing that the number one person in the hospital had just had a son, everyone flocked to Yibo's place.

"We want to rest!" Xiao Zhan's tiredness was evident from the bags under his eyes, apparently taking care of a child was more difficult than operating on someone's body.

Seeing the guilty faces in the room, Yibo sighed.

"It's okay, Zhan Ge... Mama didn't mean to," Yibo interjected.

"Yes, forgive us, dear," Mrs. Xiao said, patting Yibo's shoulder, and Yibo responded with a nod and a sweet angelic smile.

"No, Ma, thank you for the warm welcome, but forgive Yibo, because Yibo is very tired."

Mrs. Xiao nodded, "Okay, now you both just rest. Mama will take care of Wangzi."

Unable to refuse, Yibo nodded, handing Wangzi over to his mother-in-law after receiving a nod from Xiao Zhan. Then the tall man pushed Yibo's wheelchair to the bedroom.


"Gege was too rough with Mama," Yibo said as they arrived in the room.

Xiao Zhan didn't respond; he slipped his hand around Yibo's waist and legs simultaneously, intending to lift his lover's body to lay him on the bed, but unfortunately, Yibo instead pulled Xiao Zhan's neck, causing their bodies to roll together onto the bed.

Xiao Zhan held his hand to prevent it from falling on his lover's body, with a puzzled expression on his raised eyebrows.

"Why?" Xiao Zhan asked softly, but instead of answering, Yibo hugged Xiao Zhan tightly, with his head nestled in the crook of the man's neck, sniffing it gently.

"Missed you, Yibo missed Gege."

Xiao Zhan smiled secretly, returning the embrace as he lay down.

"Our feelings often meet at the hospital."

MY BOY [ZHANYI] ✅Where stories live. Discover now