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Here is the translation:

Entering WangZi's three-month-old age, Yibo has been busy again with his college activities. This is based on the encouragement of his in-laws and of course Xiao Zhan. They didn't want Yibo to lose his future and aspirations because of the presence of a child. So, all matters concerning Wang Zi were taken over by Mrs. Xiao with joy. Meanwhile, Yibo would take care of WangZi in the morning or when he returned from his studies.

"Look, there's a man who's so adorable," Xiao Zhan pointed to the hospital entrance to Chris, who was chatting with him.
Chris lifted his head enthusiastically at his boss's remark. However, just for a moment when his eyes focused on one point, he sighed.
"He's your partner, silly! Wang Yibo," Chris muttered.
Xiao Zhan shrugged with a broad smile, "Oh, I forgot," he grinned, deliberately provoking Chris to heat up or maybe he was just too in love. In response, Chris shook his head, observing the love drama of his friend.
"How was college today?" Xiao Zhan asked, approaching Yibo who looked tired as he nodded wearily. Considering that Yibo now led a double life - studying and taking care of the child.
"As usual, boring!" Yibo replied.
In addition to Wang Zi being taken care of by Mrs. Xiao, their one-year-old son was often entrusted to a well-known and safe daycare. However, Mrs. Xiao, a career woman, was still busy with her work. So today, she had sudden business to attend to, meaning WangZi had to be left in daycare.
"Today, Gege can accompany me to Aunt Yi's place to pick up WangZi."
"Yes," Yibo replied confidently, making the weariness in his eyes dissipate slightly, replaced by a sweet smile.
For some reason, he missed moments with Xiao Zhan so much. He thought that after Wang Zi was born, they would spend more time together. But in reality, Xiao Zhan was still the same. They could count the weekends they spent together on one hand after WangZi's first year. And maybe this was the perfect time for them to engage in activities together as a small family.
"Wait in the parking lot, Darling. Gege needs to change clothes first."

Yibo nodded with a wide smile, thinking about the activities they would do together shortly. Especially since he saw that the weather outside was nice, and it was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Wow, parents are smiling all the time," Chris teased as he approached Yibo, who had been watching the family scene with a sad heart since earlier.
Whether you believe it or not, it might sound ridiculous. But regardless, Yibo already had a husband and a child. And even worse, his husband was his friend. Chris still felt the urge to protect Yibo every time he saw the young man, making his heart beat faster. Maybe Xiao Zhan knew about this. That's why he often did things to show that Wang Yibo belonged to him.

"Really? Just fine, Ge?" Yibo responded, with the corners of his lips raised. It was clear that he looked happy. "Anyone would believe you just won the lottery if they saw your face like this," Chris said, watching Yibo closely.
Yibo just shook his head, showing a wide smile that revealed his teeth.
Seeing this, Chris couldn't help but be amazed. How could there be a man so sweet and beautiful when he smiled?
"Ge, I'm going to the parking lot—"
"Oh, Dr. Chris, you're here. Hurry to the ER. Dr. Zhan needs your help," one of their fellow doctors said, panting after running.
Yibo's head shot up, enthusiastic, thinking that Xiao Zhan was the one approaching. However, a forced smile appeared on Yibo's face when he realized it wasn't his husband but rather Chris.
"Is there something wrong?" Chris asked.
"There's been a multiple-car accident. And many patients have multiple bone fractures."
Both of them were shocked.
"Alright, I'll go there immediately," Chris said after seeing Yibo, making sure the young man was okay and ready to leave.
"Ge, I'll come with you," Yibo said, stopping Chris's steps. "I just want to wait for Zhan Ge there," he continued, not forgetting to help his friend with Wang Zi.
Over two hours, the ER at Ze Wun Hospital had been busy. Yibo observed every nurse and doctor bustling around, feeling dejected as he watched. He held his smartphone, his heart feeling uneasy now. Especially with the numerous calls from the daycare center since earlier.
To bring WangZi home soon.
"Wang Yibo!" Yibo's head shot up enthusiastically when the one approaching him was Xiao Zhan. However, a smile forced upon Yibo as he explained that it wasn't his husband but rather another person.
Instead, it was Chris, who smiled.
"Is the operation still ongoing, Ge?" Yibo asked resignedly, clearly showing deep disappointment in his eyes.
"Um... It seems so. Maybe until tonight," Chris replied softly.
Yibo nodded, trying to smile despite the difficulty.
"Yibo, Xiao Zhan said you should just go home. Don't wait for him." Once again, these words, why did they always make Yibo feel choked up?
Why did he always end up being the second choice?
"Alright," Yibo agreed, standing up, making Chris the only one who could stare at him.
"Are you sure?" "Um..." Yibo fiddled with his phone. "Ge, I'm going home," he said, walking away.
"Yes, I'll be there soon," was the only thing Chris heard next. Because Yibo left the ER so quickly.
"Be careful on the way," Chris murmured.
"WangZi has been vomiting since noon, Sir. That's why we immediately contacted you," one of the staff at the daycare center explained to Yibo, who was holding WangZi in his arms. He cradled the child a few times, and it seemed that WangZi was starting to fall asleep.

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