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Xiao Zhan let out a slow breath as he walked further into his in-laws' luxurious mansion. Trying to guess where Yibo's room might be, he approached a glass window overlooking the house's courtyard. There, he found Wang Haoxuan with Wangzi. The handsome man occasionally smiled or chuckled softly as Wangzi spelled out funny words, or he would chuckle when the little boy laughed joyfully. It was a sight Xiao Zhan never imagined.

He had always thought his wife's stepbrother was reserved or at least aloof, but today, all those assumptions were shattered.

"Why are you standing there, Gege?" Haoxuan asked, playing with Wangzi's fingers, who giggled for no apparent reason.

"Oh, I was just looking for Yibo's room," Xiao Zhan replied awkwardly, scratching his neck.

As if realizing there was his biological father, Wangzi suddenly clapped his hands and quickly crawled towards Xiao Zhan. Seeing this, Xiao Zhan immediately reached out, lifting and lifting Wangzi high, causing Wangzi's laughter to echo.

"Aiyoo... Daddy's boy is getting big." Just a few hours apart made Xiao Zhan so nostalgic.

"Daddy... Daddy..." Wangzi babbled, immediately wrapping his arms around Xiao Zhan's neck, seeking warmth in his broad chest, causing Xiao Zhan to smile warmly.

"Wangzi is very smart; he already knows who his parents are. Even though earlier, it took me quite some time to be accepted by him," Haoxuan said, approaching. Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan just nodded, still playing with Wangzi's tiny fingers.

"Yibo is still sleeping; I took Wangzi because I heard him crying," Haoxuan explained.

"Really? I thought Wangzi wakes up early. He often plays around," Haoxuan coughed, averting his eyes as if caught lying. The decision this morning, when he entered Yibo's room to make sure his stepbrother was okay, considering he had heard Yibo's painful cries all night. However, seeing his nephew awake and playing with Yibo's head, who seemed to have just fallen asleep and looked pitiful if disturbed, he took the initiative to take him out and play.

"Yes, maybe because he's sick," Haoxuan tried to dodge, but Xiao Zhan understood not to delve deeper.

"Um... Well then, I'll go into Yibo's room first," Xiao Zhan said, about to step forward with Wangzi in his arms.

"Xiao Zhan Gege," Haoxuan called, sounding slightly different from a few seconds ago, this time his tone was more serious.

"Yes," Xiao Zhan turned back.

Haoxuan cleared his throat again, looking nervous and having difficulty saying what he wanted to say. Only when those intense black eyes focused on Xiao Zhan did this man with a mole finally reveal one thing about Wang Haoxuan, Wang Yibo's stepbrother, which had always been avoided by his men.

"Don't hurt my brother again, I beg you!"

A feeling that Yibo was unaware of, that Haoxuan actually cared for him.

"Maybe you have heard something from Yibo about me, and I won't seek defense because fundamentally it's my fault. Because of envy and selfishness, I deprived him of happiness and the comfort of family. So, don't do that to him again. He deserves to be happy," Haoxuan expressed, startling Xiao Zhan. He didn't expect this level of affection from Haoxuan towards his brother. But why is Yibo so afraid of him?

"Alright, go ahead and enter!" Haoxuan glanced at his watch, "and hopefully, you'll succeed in gaining his forgiveness."

There's one question that has been bothering Xiao Zhan since earlier. A question that perhaps Haoxuan could answer. He hadn't asked Yibo about it extensively, understanding his brother's fear.

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