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Ever since Yibo was declared pregnant, he had taken a break from all hid university routines since his pregnancy reached 5 months. All of this happened because Mrs. Xiao didn't want anything to happen to her son-in-law and grandchild in the future. So, besides spending time at home and going out with Xiao Zhan when not busy, Yibo would be taken by her mother-in-law anywhere, including attending prenatal yoga classes.

"Mom, I don't want to," Yibo complained, stopping in his tracks as they entered a simple yet clean and tidy building, very well-maintained.

"Just a moment, dear." Yibo seemed to have difficulty walking, considering his pregnancy was now 8 months. Especially since his mother-in-law seemed very enthusiastic today.

"Mom, Yibo doesn't want to!" he said, still in a soft tone. However, Mrs. Xiao remained firm, because prenatal yoga is very good for pregnant women. And he wants his future grandchild to be born healthy.

"No, dear, this is mandatory." Mrs. Xiao stopped and gently stroked his son-in-law's forehead affectionately.

Yibo, wearing a baby blue long shirt that reached his thighs, didn't budge. "I don't want to go there, all the women there are mothers."

"Why is that? Yibo will be the most handsome and beautiful man," she replied, ignoring Yibo's rolling eyes.

"Not that, Yibo is embarrassed to be the center of attention."

Mrs. Xiao chuckled. Then she looked at her son-in-law. "Since always, Yibo has always been the center of attention. Not because Yibo is pregnant but because Yibo is handsome and attractive. So, don't worry about it. Walk confidently like before, ignore them because this is good for your pregnancy."

Seeing Mrs. Xiao immediately turning around without listening to his protest, Yibo sighed, choosing to give in and not debate further.

"Dear, wait here for a moment. Mom will register first," Hearing that, Yibo nodded, choosing to sit on the sofa near the roadside. While waiting, he watched the busy streets on that sunny day. Until---

"Zhan Ge," Yibo muttered in surprise, immediately standing up from his seat with uncertain feelings. He stumbled a little, having difficulty in her small steps as he ran towards the man who had just gotten out of the car. However, his steps and stumbles halted as he saw his husband getting out of the car with another woman. At that moment, Yibo's breath caught. He didn't know how to react?

While the man was busy talking, but with another woman. Of course, negative thoughts flooded Yibo's mind.

"Yibo, what's wrong?" Mrs. Xiao asked, rushing over to Yibo with urgency when he realized her son-in-law was walking away.

Yibo didn't answer, his eyes still focused ahead. Until Mrs. Xiao, also looked in the direction of his gaze. And at that moment, Mrs. Xiao's eyes widened. Seeing her son with another woman.

"Oh, my, Xin Ling!" Mrs. Xiao exclaimed joyfully, so happy that she ran out and approached them, ignoring Yibo who was surprised by his mother's behavior.

"Mom, what's wrong? Why are you here?" Xiao Zhan asked, a little surprised, not expecting his mother's presence. If this was the case, he was sure his husband would be with him too.

Ignoring Xiao Zhan's question, Mrs. Xiao immediately hugged Xing Ling happily, where the beautiful woman with brown eyes and long hair was equally enthusiastic to greet the woman she regarded as her mother.

"Xin Ling, Mama misses you!" Xing Ling nodded, smiling gently with happiness.

"Yes, Mama, Xin Ling also misses you. How are you?"

MY BOY [ZHANYI] ✅Where stories live. Discover now