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As they entered the residential area, far from the city center, the black car sped along the streets lined with lush and verdant trees.

Xiao Zhan, the tall man wearing a sky-blue shirt, stole glances through the rearview mirror at the pregnant man who hid his face. Despite their departure an hour ago, Yibo remained silent.

"Darling, aren't you thirsty?" Xiao Zhan asked, attempting to engage Yibo in conversation once again. Yet, unfortunately, this attempt also failed, as Yibo's movements indicated his refusal and lingering anger.

Xiao Zhan sighed, refocusing on driving, letting his partner be alone in the back seat with a sour expression. At least he didn't regret his decision to bring Yibo along. This way, he could keep an eye on him without breaking his promise. Although, the decision he made had left Yibo silent.


"Come on, dear, let's get out. We've arrived," Xiao Zhan said, opening the car door with his trademark gentle smile. He brushed aside any response from Yibo, who looked annoyed.

"I can come out by myself, Gege. Move aside. You're blocking my way," Yibo snapped. He got out of the car and quickly walked to the bench provided for visitors, ignoring the greetings from Doctor Tao and Doctor Chris as they waved at him.

"What's wrong? What's with your Baby Lion?" Chris asked, pointing at Yibo as Xiao Zhan joined them.

"It's normal for pregnant people to be sensitive," Xiao Zhan replied with a forced smile, more focused on checking the equipment they would use for the event.

Chris nodded, "Oh, yes, Zhan, here we are gathering pregnant women where..."

"Doctor, please help my wife," Chris's words were cut off as a middle-aged black-skinned man approached them with a worried expression, causing some newly arrived visitors to glare at him.

"What are you doing here, black man?" interjected one of the locals who seemed to know him, causing everyone present to join in the condemnation.

"Yeah, what are you doing? Don't dirty our area with people like you. Leave quickly!"

"Why is this happening, Chris? Why are the people here like this? Is discrimination still happening?" Xiao Zhan whispered.

Chris lowered his head and approached Xiao Zhan's ear. "You know? The people here don't like illegal immigrants."

Xiao Zhan observed the black-skinned man.

"Illegal?" Xiao Zhan muttered, looking at him.

Ignoring the mockery, the black-skinned man knelt at Xiao Zhan's feet. "Doc, please help my wife. She's pregnant and seems to be experiencing a complication."

"Is it serious?" Xiao Zhan asked worriedly. After all, he had a partner who was pregnant.

"Iya, Doctor. She keeps complaining of stomach pain."

For a moment, Xiao Zhan fell silent, processing the words that immediately made his heart ache. He remembered the figure standing amidst the crowd, looking at him.

"Doctor, don't listen to him. Remember, the government prohibits providing services to illegal immigrants," came a voice from the crowd, filled with condemnation.

Hearing those words, the black-skinned man immediately knelt at Xiao Zhan's feet, pleading for mercy. "Please, Doctor, help me. Save my wife. No matter where I go for treatment, I'm always turned away."

"Why are you being turned away?" Xiao Zhan asked.

The black-skinned man fell silent, bowing his head, unable to provide an answer. "Because..."

MY BOY [ZHANYI] ✅Where stories live. Discover now