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For almost a week, Xiao Zhan has been busy at the hospital. Despite the persistent morning sickness, he remains dedicated to his work, not performing surgeries but rather checking on patients in the recovery stage.

"Why haven't you been going home, Zhan?" Christopher asks, finding Xiao Zhan in the hospital garden, attentively observing his patients. "It seems quieter here now," Chris continues.

Xiao Zhan looks up. "Oh, Chris..." he replies, accustomed to his friend's sudden appearances. He shifts in his seat. "It's not like I'm often like this."

Chris nods, taking a seat beside Xiao Zhan. "Yes, but ever since you got your little husband, you like to go home early. But this time, you're not going home. Why?" he asks curiously.

Xiao Zhan sighs, admitting that he has a reason for not going home. "I just don't want to see Yibo," he honestly confesses. "I can't stay with him for long."

Chris raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Why? Are you bored?" he asks enthusiastically. "Don't worry; I still like having Yibo around—ah, Zhan," he exclaims, a bit annoyed as Xiao Zhan kicks his leg.

"I'm not avoiding Yibo because I'm bored, idiot!" Xiao Zhan retorts, raising his voice slightly. "I can't stand the scent of Yibo's body. Every time he's close to me, I feel nauseous," he adds, glancing at Chris, who rubs his leg from the earlier kick.

"So, the rumors about you being pregnant are true..." Chris pretends to be surprised, covering his mouth. "Wow, so Xiao Zhan is the bottom or sub—ah, Zhan!" Xiao Zhan kicks him again.

"What are you talking about! What rumors?" Zhan replies a bit sternly. Meanwhile, Chris is rubbing his leg once more. "Well, they say Doctor Xiao is pregnant because of constant vomiting," he says. Before Xiao Zhan kicks him again, Chris lifts his leg high to avoid it.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhan shakes his head at the peculiar behavior of his colleague and friend. "I'm not pregnant. It's Yibo who's pregnant."

"What?" Chris overreacts. "So, Yibo is the bottom."

Xiao Zhan nods, making Chris disappointed once again. He was ready to be the third person in Xiao Zhan and Yibo's relationship, but if Yibo is pregnant, there's even less hope.

"Yes, he's pregnant. The child in his womb is mine. Because of my push, my play, and my virility," he proudly declares.

"Hey, Zhan, don't be too honest. Can't you see how hurt I am now?" Chris exclaims, and Xiao Zhan just shrugs, indifferent to his friend's discomfort. Apparently, making people jealous can be enjoyable.

"So, you're avoiding Yibo because you don't like his body scent. You don't go home, claiming you don't want to hurt him," Chris comments sarcastically. Xiao Zhan understands the implication and looks at him in surprise.

Chris chuckles and pats his chest. "Even if Yibo is a man, he still has the emotions of a pregnant woman. He needs his husband during these times. But unfortunately, his husband is avoiding him, oh, what a pity Yibo has an unfeeling husband like you."

Hearing Chris's mocking words, Xiao Zhan, despite his tough exterior, feels guilty. Due to his lack of decency, he rejected Yibo's request and said something that might have hurt him.

"So, what should I do?" Xiao Zhan responds quietly. "I don't want to avoid him forever."

Chris raises his eyebrows, a bit puzzled. Glancing at Xiao Zhan, who suddenly looks gloomy, he regrets his words.

Clearing his throat, Chris says, "Well, at least go home... let him know that his husband cares deeply, even if it's a bit weird." Despite Chris's occasional oddity, it turns out he can be helpful. Xiao Zhan is grateful for the advice this time.

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