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On that night, it became highly erotic when Xiao Zhan moved his hips strongly and rhythmically. He held his beloved's waist, which was above his stomach, protectively, ensuring their little one wouldn't be disturbed by their activities. Sometimes Xiao Zhan was a bit cautious when he saw his beloved's belly slightly jolt from the thrusts, but other times he became wild when he heard Wang Yibo's sexy voice heightening his libido.

"Eugh...." Yibo moaned, slightly bending over as the pressure in his manhood wanted release.Xiao Zhan continued to move, touching Yibo's sweaty forehead with his fingers. He could feel himself reaching the earthly pleasure that wanted to erupt. Between wanting to laugh or be amazed when his beloved asked to be pampered, especially when he remembered how shy he seemed when teased earlier. What a guy!

"Akh ...." Yibo immediately collapsed onto Xiao Zhan's body as his first orgasm came, drenching his beloved's abdomen to his chest. He took a deep breath, just savoring the moments of release. Even though down there, his beloved's manhood continued to work extra, stirring up Yibo's reddened hole for the same pleasure.

"Eum... Gege," Yibo groaned again as his most sensitive spot was touched again, causing his body to rise back up. It was a bit difficult due to his growing belly. So when Xiao Zhan saw him struggling to sit up, he immediately brought the body into his lap and hugged it affectionately."Does it feel uncomfortable, love?" Zhan asked, holding back his own moans as he was nearing climax.

Yibo nodded, wrapping his arms around Xiao Zhan's neck, moaning loudly and clutching his back tightly."Hold on, dear. Gege will finish soon, okay."

After saying that, Xiao Zhan moved faster, thrusting and pulling his manhood tirelessly. He kissed and bit at the ears or slender white neck teasingly, until not long after, both Xiao Zhan and Yibo released their fluids simultaneously. They let out groans of pleasure with their eyes closed.

"Gege," Yibo whispered, immediately burying himself in his beloved's embrace, as if basking in the happiness in that warm chest.

"Darling, lie down on the bed. Gege will clean Yibo's body. Then you can sleep."

Against his wishes, Yibo shook his head, his arms tightly wrapped around Xiao Zhan's neck."I don't want to, I want it like this. I'm afraid to let go. I won't have a chance to hug Gege. And Gege will leave like that time" Xiao Zhan understood Yibo's fear and reluctance to let go. 

He gently stroked Yibo's hair, his heart filled with love and understanding.

"Okay, we can stay like this," Xiao Zhan murmured softly, holding Yibo even tighter in his arms. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for having Yibo back in his embrace, cherishing every moment they had together.

They remained in each other's arms, finding solace and comfort in their embrace. The room was filled with a sense of peace and contentment as they lay together, their hearts beating in unison.As they drifted off to sleep, Xiao Zhan whispered words of love and reassurance to Yibo, promising to always be there for him and never leave his side again.And in that moment, surrounded by love and warmth, Yibo felt truly safe and at peace, knowing that he was finally back where he belonged—in Xiao Zhan's arms.

 As they lay together in the quiet embrace of the night, Yibo found himself overwhelmed by a sense of tranquility and belonging. Despite the challenges they had faced and the time they had spent apart, being in Xiao Zhan's arms felt like coming home.

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