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Entering the room with its blue hues, Xiao Zhan appeared to walk slowly, exploring every corner of the room. Yibo's anger was palpable, and Xiao Zhan understood that he needed to be extra persuasive. However, amidst it all, Xiao Zhan was grateful that Yibo still didn't lock the door to their room. No matter how angry he was. And Xiao Zhan smiled.

"How are you feeling now?" Xiao Zhan asked, standing at the threshold, hands tucked into the pockets of his doctor's coat.

Yibo, sitting by the window overlooking the backyard, remained unmoved. He heard, but it still hurt too much to respond. Especially after Xiao Zhan had snapped at him earlier.

Wang Yibo knew he was wrong to speak harshly while heavily pregnant, but could Xiao Zhan at least speak gently? Wang Yibo was still too sensitive.Xiao Zhan sighed inwardly. It seemed that pregnancy indeed made one's emotions as delicate as silk. He should have listened to Dr. Meng's warnings.

Choosing to surrender and step slowly towards the man, Xiao Zhan put on a smile."Sorry, gege didn't mean to snap. It's just that gege couldn't accept that Wang Yibo, who is known for being good and polite, could lose control." Yes, Xiao Zhan forgot something. If Wang Yibo was also human, his level of patience was different from his own, who had above-average patience.

Yibo remained silent, even turning away more, hunching his strong shoulders."Darling," Xiao Zhan called again, still hoping that Yibo would forgive him, "gege knows gege was wrong. Gege won't force Yibo to forgive gege, but Yibo must believe. What gege did had no element of defending Xing Ling, gege just couldn't accept it.

 When Yibo spoke harshly while pregnant. Oh, forgive this old man who still holds onto manners above all." Xiao Zhan spoke in one breath, even surprising himself at how long he spoke. Clearly, this wasn't like him.

"Do you know?" Yibo suddenly spoke, still not turning around, but enough to slightly warm Xiao Zhan's heart. Although he didn't like it when someone spoke without facing him.

"Ever since I was born until now, eighteen years old, I never believed there was such a thing as love." Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo's back sadly.

"Since childhood, I never received family love. Especially from Mama, Papa."

Although Xiao Zhan had so many questions about all of Yibo's recent words, he chose to remain silent while listening carefully, paying attention to every breath of his beloved lover, which was so painful. Especially those deeply wounded eyes.

"People say, Wang Yibo is a love child. He stole Wang Haoxuan's wife and the love of a five-year-old child." Yibo paused his words, pressing his chest which felt painful when he opened up an old story he wanted to bury, but the recent events made him unable to bury it again. "Every day, everywhere, Wang Yibo was like a parasite that made everyone sick. Making him the love child who was not considered until he chose to leave and build his own meaning of life."

Yibo smiled, then turned to face Xiao Zhan, whose jaw was clenched. However, after hearing this, Xiao Zhan's heart seemed so touched. Xiao Zhan didn't know that Wang Yibo and HaoXuan were half-brothers.

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