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Wang Yibo slowly opened his eyes, feeling a gentle touch between his forehead and head.

"Gege," Yibo's voice cracked as he found Xiao Zhan smiling softly, extending his hand. "How is it? Still doesn't feel good?"

Hearing that, memories of the night flooded Yibo's mind without warning. He gasped, pulling back the blanket to find himself still naked.

"Oh, Wang Yibo, you enjoyed it last night; don't act like a woman in virginity. It doesn't reflect your usual self. He is your own Xiao Zhan, your husband." Yibo nervously pulled back the blanket, a little upset recalling what happened. He knew he would eventually do that, but couldn't it be a bit more elegant and not drunk like last night? And far less rude. Yibo still felt pain in his buttocks.

"Gege was very rude last night," Yibo said nervously.

"I'm sorry. Gege doesn't know why he was out of control." Xiao Zhan replied slowly with regret, reaching back to rub Yibo's head, who was reluctant to look at him, overwhelmed with shame and annoyance.

"Don't drink anymore," Yibo replied hoarsely, unable to bear Xiao Zhan's guilty expression. It was a stark contrast to the authoritative and powerful Xiao Zhan he knew a month ago. Today, Yibo saw him as a child admitting his mistakes to his parents.

"Sorry, Gege has often avoided drinking because he tends to do strange things. I'm truly sorry for last night." Indeed, what would Gege have done if it weren't for me?" Yibo asked, a bit wary of whether Xiao Zhan might behave similarly with others as he did with Yibo.

Xiao Zhan cleared his throat, nervously wanting to explain. "Gege likes to undress anywhere until he's naked. Yes, Gege likes to undress anywhere."

Yibo sighed in relief and held a smile. "Thank God. How fortunate, that's a relief," Xiao Zhan protested.

Gege even had to be arrested by the police because he was thought to be a pervert. Wang Yibo giggled, feeling Xiao Zhan's soft touch on his head, and said, "Then, how?"

"Yes, what about papa and mama who have to spend because they want family insurance," Xiao Zhan replied.

"Oh, next time means I have to be by Gege's side when I'm drunk," Yibo answered. Xiao Zhan nodded, "So please forgive Gege."

"Yes, oh yes, what time is Yibo going to the hospital?" Yibo was about to sit down but forgot what was happening on his ass, he screamed muffled.

"Why does it still hurt?" Xiao Zhan asked worried, immediately holding Yibo's body in his arms.

"Yes, it hurts. You threw it overnight without heating or other ingredients, and the man is still a virgin," Yibo nodded with his eyes closed, feeling Xiao Zhan's caress on his back that felt comfortable.

"Yes, Yibo doesn't need to go to the hospital. Later, Gege has permission from Dr. Shan."


"Don't argue, okay?"

"Er, alright," answered Yibo. Xiao Zhan smiled. "Yes, let's take a shower."

"Bath? You mean Gege bathed me like that."

Xiao Zhan nodded. "Why? We already did, are you still ashamed?"

"Not," Yibo shook his head. "Come on."

Xiao Zhan smiled, lifting Yibo's body in a sling and entering the bathroom. He is not playing; he really bathes, wears clothes, and treats wounds on Yibo.

Embarrassed! In any case, this is a bit ridiculous, but Yibo lets him, besides being his own husband, Xiao Zhan is also a doctor.

Wang Yibo turned the cup in front of him, watching the door for Xiao Zhan. But Yibo's sighs indicate disappointment. It has been two weeks since the night of Xiao Zhan's drunken incident, and Yibo had to pass the days without seeing his husband.

Xiao Zhan had to attend the editorial meeting of the doctors' association in Los Angeles, initially planned for a week but extended to two weeks. Inevitably, Yibo must endure an empty life.

Although Yibo was used to such solitude, having lived alone since high school, marrying Xiao Zhan made him accustomed to being treated as best as possible. Their marriage, despite the age difference, has been a month.

Wang Yibo, wearing a baby blue shirt, reached into his pocket to find Xiao Zhan's contact to inquire about his condition. But as he was about to press the green button, he saw Xiao Zhan entering the room, having lunch with someone else. Yibo's heart ached as he realized he wasn't informed, feeling abandoned.

Yibo furiously pressed his voice, asking Xiao Zhan why he was having lunch with someone else. Xiao Zhan, surprised to see Yibo there, explained that it was related to a patient's father, not anything personal.

Yibo, emotional and hungry, accused Xiao Zhan of neglecting him. The misunderstanding led to a heated argument, leaving Yibo storming out, declaring he didn't want to see Xiao Zhan.

In the midst of this, Xiao Zhan tried to understand Yibo's feelings, assuring him that it was a professional matter and not an affair. Yibo, emotionally overwhelmed, found solace in Xiao Zhan's reassurance.

Later, Yibo learned about Xiao Zhan's dedication at the hospital, witnessing his hard work and commitment to patients. Xiao Zhan expressed concern for Yibo's well-being, explaining that he wanted to check on him the next day at the office.

As Yibo tried to apologize for his emotional outburst, Xiao Zhan assured him it was okay. The couple reconciled, and Yibo acknowledged Xiao Zhan's genuine care.

The story concludes with Yibo observing Xiao Zhan from a distance, realizing that he still has much to discover about his husband.

Hope you'll liked this chapter 😁
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