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SCHEDULED PUBLISHED: 26/03/24, ON 1:00 pm

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo slowly got up, still a bit unsteady, only to find their son still laughing gleefully at their earlier fall. Wangzi's adorable face with black eyes remained laughing in Yibo's embrace as the man reached for him, playfully messing with Yibo's hair and nose, seemingly satisfied with their recent mishap.

"" Wangzi mumbled, moving restlessly.

"Wow, Wangzi is awake," Xiao Zhan said, approaching Yibo and playing with the child's soft hair. "Gege, why aren't you getting ready? Not going to the hospital?" Yibo asked, feeling Wangzi's wet pants as he had apparently wet himself.

"No," Xiao Zhan replied, following Yibo to sit on the floor while observing Yibo changing their son's diaper. "Why?" Yibo asked, puzzled.

"It's okay, just want to spend more time with the family," Xiao Zhan answered, following Yibo's lead in sitting on the floor, watching Yibo change Wangzi's diaper.

"Why?" Yibo asked, surprised.

"Just want to be together with the family, no specific reason," Xiao Zhan said, trailing behind Yibo and sitting on the floor, observing Yibo changing Wangzi's diaper.

"Strange, though. It's rare for you to have thoughts like that," Xiao Zhan approached Yibo, grabbing his waist to get closer. Then, he lifted Yibo's pointed chin to give a gentle kiss on his cheek and lips, making Yibo close his eyes.

"Don't start, dear. Gege always gets teased like this," Yibo laughed. "It's just that your expression is so normal."

Yibo shook his head, returning his attention to their son, who was now crawling around the room and looking for toys. "Just wondering, it's unusual to have thoughts like this."

Xiao Zhan approached Yibo, reaching for his waist to get closer. Then, he lifted Yibo's pointed chin to give a gentle kiss on his cheek and lips, making Yibo close his eyes.

"Sorry," he whispered softly.

Yibo started to feel touched, "Why all of a sudden?"

"It's okay; Gege just feels the shortcomings of being your partner all this time. I even failed to be a husband and father to Wangzi. So many mistakes on my part."

Xiao Zhan hid his head in the curve of Yibo's neck, feeling Yibo tensing. "I feel like I should really pay more attention to you both."

"Zhan Ge," Yibo mumbled.

"And for the one still in your belly, I won't neglect Gege's promise anymore. No more leaving for work until I miss you, no more neglect causing hurt. And no more busyness making me neglect you. I promise, Wang Yibo."

Hearing those words, Yibo fell silent. He didn't know how to respond. Perhaps, according to others, he was the man most disgusted with promises that ended in betrayal. Nevertheless, he could only sigh, hoping this promise would not be broken again.

"Yes, thank you, Gege."

For a moment, they were lost in a warm embrace, expressing their love and nurturing togetherness. Until suddenly, Xiao Zhan separated but didn't create a significant distance.

"What's wrong, Gege?" Yibo asked, puzzled.

Xiaon Zhan lifted the corner of his lips. "Let's go on a date!"


An invitation that Yibo had been waiting for since a long time, now finally granted. Of course, Yibo enthusiastically nodded. Quickly separating, he carried Wangzi and entered the bathroom.

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