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Xiao Zhan rushed anxiously, his face flushed red, seeming to pay little attention to the now-deserted streets. Only one thing occupied his mind: the meaning behind the photo he had received just a few minutes ago.

It was a picture of his partner, Wang Yibo, embracing someone else. What he didn't like was that Wang Yibo was at a nightclub. What could possibly be happening? And what was going through Wang Yibo's mind? Especially since he had explicitly forbidden him from going to nightclubs. After all, Wang Yibo was a man who already had a child.

Ignoring the greetings of the security guards stationed at the entrance, Xiao Zhan hurriedly ascended the stairs, heading towards the audio room section of the nightclub reserved for businessmen. This club had various sections for dancing, drinking, or networking with businessmen. And Yibo was in that section on the top floor! Hearing about the businessman section piqued Xiao Zhan's curiosity even more about why his Wang Yibo was there.

Upon arriving, Xiao Zhan scanned the room, his gaze darting around. When he spotted someone he knew, he quickly approached, grabbing the person's collar with a hint of anger.

"Tell me, Chris, what's really going on? How did Wang Yibo end up here? And what are you all doing?" Despite the loud thumping music, Xiao Zhan's voice cut through clearly, startling Chris almost to the point of popping his eyeballs out. Just 15 minutes ago, he had sent a photo of Yibo with Haoxuan, Yibo's stepbrother who had come and immediately hugged Yibo, which was immediately seized upon by Chris's cunning mind. And now, Xiao Zhan was here. It was truly something!

"Hey, Zhan!" Chris replied, putting on a fake innocent expression, acting like a seasoned actor. But this only made the tall man, who was gripping Chris's collar, tense even more.

"Stop playing around, Chris. Where's Wang Yibo?" Chris felt a slight soreness in his throat, but he tried to hold it back. His plan must not fail. Even though he hadn't expected Haoxuan to show up and add another player to the drama he had planned.

"He just left," Chris replied, his head hanging low, causing Xiao Zhan's forehead to furrow in disbelief. But he emitted an aura of anger.

"Left?" Xiao Zhan muttered, still in disbelief. "What do you mean left?" He gripped Chris's collar, his breath racing. And yes, Chris managed to provoke Xiao Zhan. Because this man's weakness lay in his tainted family.

"Earlier, he was with me. He said he just wanted to relieve stress, but who would've thought someone's arrival would make him forget himself," Chris skillfully baited Xiao Zhan until he was gaping. Still unable to believe that his little husband was cheating.

"It can't be, Wang Yibo is a good man. He wouldn't come here without my permission. You must have invited him, right?" Chris hung his head, showing a fake expression of sadness. Even the two people who were both Chris's friends and Xiao Zhan's college buddies couldn't hold back their laughter. Discovering Chris's ridiculous nature in messing with Xiao Zhan was truly amusing.

"Answer me, Chris! You invited Yibo to the club, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry, Zhan. I was wrong. I didn't know that it would lead him to be with another man?"

Xiao Zhan withdrew his hand, still speechless and unable to comprehend anything. Recalling all the memories that might provide an answer to the big question of what Yibo was doing. Perhaps he had made a fatal mistake. But from all he remembered, there was nothing strange. Except when he had begged Yibo to leave his "peyot" home. And at that moment, he had found Yibo's sulking face, as if it were a common occurrence. When his lover was sulking, could that have made Yibo angry?

"Do you know the man who was hugging Yibo?"

Chris shook his head, trying to hide his laughter when he saw his friend's anguish. Of course, if there really was a daring man hugging Yibo, he would have thrown a punch first.

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