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"Stop walking, a guy like you could get kidnapped."
"Oh dear, Honey, Yibo's house is still far. Come on, get in the car, Gege will drive you."
"Wang Yibo!"
"My beloved Xiao Zhan."
"Hey, guy in the black hoodie," Xiao Zhan shouted. But Yibo ignored him, pulling up the hood of his jacket even further, making his cute little face hidden.
"Darling, it's not good to walk so far. Let's get in the car!" Xiao Zhan persisted.
"What's wrong with you, Gege? Just go away!" Yibo snapped, walking faster. But Xiao Zhan wasn't one to give up. The older man increased the speed of the car, keeping up with Yibo's pace.
"I don't want to, until Yibo forgives Gege."
"Whatever," Yibo grumbled, glancing at his husband who was inside the car.
"It's already late, Darling. Gege doesn't want Yibo to get sick," Xiao Zhan adjusted his slouched shoulder bag. "What do you care? Whether I'm sick or not, it's none of your business!"
"Who says? Yibo is Gege's business. Just like Wangzi is Gege's business," Xiao Zhan replied.
Yibo didn't respond, still walking briskly, with Xiao Zhan faithfully trailing beside him.
"Darling, please don't be mad. Aren't you missing Gege?" Xiao Zhan asked, a bit surprised by Yibo's quick response.
"No!" Yibo replied bluntly, catching Xiao Zhan off guard.
"Oh... that was a quick answer. Think before you speak."
Because Yibo's house was located on the outskirts of the city and the access road was only for pedestrians, Xiao Zhan quickly got out of the car and followed Yibo who was trying to leave him behind.
"Why is Gege following me?" Yibo stopped in his tracks, turning around with folded arms.
"Why? Is it wrong for Gege to make sure Yibo gets home safely?" Xiao Zhan replied casually.
"No need! I'm grown up now, so please go home," Yibo dismissed with a chin tilt.
Xiao Zhan sighed, trying to remain calm in the face of Yibo's stubbornness.
"After Gege sees Wangzi, then," Xiao Zhan pretended, even though just a few hours ago, he had already relieved his longing for his son. Yibo remained silent, appearing to contemplate.
"However, Wangzi is still Gege's child. Remember, separating parents from Daddy is not good," Xiao Zhan continued, smiling broadly. Feeling victorious because Yibo didn't refute his statement.
"If this is how you assert your rights as a parent, then where is Wangzi's right as a child?"
Turns out, besides being stubborn, Xiao Zhan's wife was also intelligent. For a moment, Yibo was taken aback by her words.
"Yes, it's Gege's mistake. And Gege will make sure he gets it," Xiao Zhan replied, scratching his neck, avoiding Yibo's intimidating gaze.
"Whatever! But after seeing Wangzi. Gege will go straight home," Yibo grunted, turning around and ignoring Xiao Zhan's pleased expression.
"Go home, remember that!" he reiterated with a warning finger.
"Okay... okay," Xiao Zhan replied.
After a few steps, they walked in silence. Not because Xiao Zhan chose to be quiet. He was just observing the back of the man he loved, who was walking ahead and illuminated by the faint light of the night. He looked beautiful that night, his fair skin and charming lips blending with the moonlight and the night, making him look like a winged creature.
"What are you looking at, Gege?" Yibo covered his butt with his hand, thinking the man was fantasizing dirty things about him, especially since he had been smiling secretly. Seeing that, Xiao Zhan just shook his head.
"Darling, it feels like we're a newly dating couple," Xiao Zhan chuckled to himself while Yibo remained silent, pretending not to hear. He continued walking.
"Yibo is coming home from work, Gege is accompanying Yibo home. Wow, just like a Korean drama. So romantic, isn't it?" Xiao Zhan smiled broadly, gazing at the perfectly formed moon in the night sky.
"Yes, and unfortunately, his boyfriend chose to take someone else out. And the escort decided to leave that bastard," Yibo replied sarcastically, once again leaving Xiao Zhan gaping. Unable to come up with a comeback for that statement. Truly, Wang Yibo's anger this time was truly terrifying. It was the first time he had seen and heard Yibo being so rough.
Just as Xiao Zhan was about to respond, someone approached them, out of breath, having obviously run a considerable distance.
"What's wrong, Shan Jing?" Yibo asked, surprised, to a girl who was Aunt Shan's granddaughter.
Shan Jing gasped for air greedily. After she felt better, she immediately shouted, "Gege, Wangzi!" Obviously, both Yibo and Xiao Zhan widened their eyes in worry.
"What's wrong with Wangzi?" they asked simultaneously.
"Wangzi was scalded by hot water, he—"
Without waiting for the sentence to be finished, both Yibo and Xiao Zhan ran quickly. Racing through the night with the greatest fear in both of them. If Yibo tried his best to hold back his tears by wiping them away, Xiao Zhan, who was behind him, couldn't think of anything. The man was silent, full of regret for everything that had happened. Especially if something happened to his son. Damn!
Xiao Zhan widened his eyes when suddenly Yibo's body in front of him fell and stumbled to the ground. Yibo had a bad habit of panicking in his life. "Yibo, are you okay?" Xiao Zhan immediately helped Yibo up. Meanwhile, Yibo got up, holding back the pain in his scraped palms.
"I'm fine, come on, Ge, we need to go there!" And then they ran again without caring about anything. Only Xiao Zhan's hand grip guiding Yibo to run with him. It only took about two minutes for this couple to reach Aunt Shan's neighbor's house. The first thing they did was to barge in, despite Aunt Shan's repeated apologies for neglecting to take care of Wangzi. And how foolish Yibo was when he saw his son's body red with tears that were usually laughter, now lying helpless.
"Darling," Yibo whispered, reaching out to the trembling body, but Xiao Zhan immediately stopped him.
"Calm down, Wangzi was just scalded by hot water, and thankfully, it didn't affect any other vital organs," Yibo looked up, finding Xiao Zhan's gentle gaze, which only made him hold back his sobs. "Gege is here, trust me!" Xiao Zhan said, holding Yibo's shoulder and stroking his cheek. After saying that, Xiao Zhan immediately reached for Wangzi. Moving his eyes around to find the bathroom,
"Where's the bathroom?" Xiao Zhan asked, and Aunt Shan immediately pointed not far from where he was standing.
Quickly, Xiao Zhan entered the bathroom and turned on the tap. While holding and comforting Wangzi, who was crying incessantly, Xiao Zhan began to wet Wangzi's chest, arms, and legs, which were affected by the hot water, with running water for twenty minutes. All of this was watched by Aunt Shan's family and Yibo, who was standing with his head bowed.

"Shh... it's okay, Wangzi, Daddy's here," Xiao Zhan gently touched his son's cheek, who was still sobbing.

"Honey, can you please get Gege's bag from the car?" Yibo, who had been silent and observing Xiao Zhan treating Wangzi, now raised his head. He looked bewildered because of the sudden fear that overtook him. Thus, he didn't hear his husband's request. Seeing this, Xiao Zhan realized it and then handed Wangzi to Yibo.

"Wait here, Gege will get the doctor's bag from the car," With that, Xiao Zhan ran out at full speed. Remaining strong in the face of everything, even though, honestly, he was just as shocked as Yibo when he saw Wangzi. However, he realized that as an older person and as a doctor, any fear had to be suppressed. So there wouldn't be any panic there.


Xiao Zhan couldn't help but chuckle at the sudden interruption from Mrs. Xiao, who entered the room like a whirlwind, catching them off guard. Both of them froze in embarrassment, and Xiao Zhan quickly hid behind Yibo.

"Oh, sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to see my grandson," Mrs. Xiao said awkwardly, her jaw almost dropping at the sight of her son and his husband being affectionate.

Xiao Zhan immediately moved, hiding behind Yibo.

"Oh, Wangzi, come here with grandma. Are you badly hurt? Ah, it seems Daddy has treated you well. Let's go, let your parents be together. Because love is like that, even in front of the children," Mrs. Xiao said, taking Wangzi away, who looked slightly annoyed at being interrupted while playing with Xiao Zhan's wallet and cards. His face turned into a pout.

"Mom," Yibo wanted to say something, but Mrs. Xiao had already left with Wangzi, leaving the couple in endless embarrassment, especially Xiao Zhan.

"As I said before, put on some clothes, Gege!"

To Be Continued,

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