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The luxurious house located in Beijing witnessed silently as Wang Yibo quickly walked away from the area with Wangzi in his arms. He ignored Xiao Zhan's shouts and Chris's attempts to stop him. Fortunately, Wangzi had stopped crying. Only his innocent and confused eyes witnessed the altercation between his parents.

"Wang Yibo, come back quickly!" Xiao Zhan shouted desperately, trying to stop his wife who was already far from him. "It's late, darling, where are you going?" he tried to suppress his ego, although he himself was very angry now. However, whatever this man did had no impact on Yibo at all. Instead, he descended the stairs wearing the same clothes he had on since noon, without any shoes.

"Yibo, calm down. We can talk this out," Chris also tried to intercept Yibo. But it was all the same; the young man remained engulfed in his anger, making him unable to think clearly. In his mind, he was just fed up with everything. He hated himself and he hated Xiao Zhan.

"You don't have to run from the house--"

"Wang Yibo." This time, the arrival of Mrs. Xiao and Mr. Xiao simultaneously made Yibo stop in his tracks. His in-laws looked puzzled at the situation with their son-in-law and grandson.

"Ma, Pa Yibo, I'm leaving," Yibo said curtly, turning his face away as he wiped away the tears he couldn't hold back. He just passed by his in-laws' confused expressions.

"Where are you going, darling? Where is Yibo going?" Mrs. Xiao chose to ask something else, seemingly understanding that something had happened. But once again, Yibo's foul mood made him silent and he just dashed away.

"Yibo, stop!" Xiao Zhan interjected, ignoring the bewildered expressions and questions from his parents. He immediately ran after his partner. When Chris was about to follow, a reprimand from Xiao Zhan's parents made him stop.

"What's going on, Chris? What happened?" Chris could sense the concern in the middle-aged woman's worried expression. It made him choose to calm her down.

Meanwhile, in front of the elite house, Yibo was ready to leave. He didn't care if it was late at night, if there were no vehicles, or if he didn't have a single penny on him. Yibo just wanted to get away from the annoying man like Xiao Zhan.

The hurtful words and unfounded accusations still lingered in his mind. Not to mention the neglect he had endured while Xiao Zhan was always busy. How much patience did Yibo have all this time? He just asked for some spare time for his family. But all he swallowed and accepted were false promises.

He held onto Wangzi tightly, as if seeking strength from his son. Especially when the child hugged Yibo's neck so tightly.

"Yibo, it's late. Come back! Don't do anything foolish," Xiao Zhan intercepted, pulling Yibo's shoulder to face him. Perhaps Xiao Zhan's surprised expression explained. If Wang Yibo was truly hurt this time.

"Where to? To your house?" Yibo smirked cynically. "Never!"

Fortunately, after a while, he realized he still had his phone. Yibo tinkered with it, unnoticed by Xiao Zhan. Still unable to believe that his Wang Yibo could be this harsh.

"Yibo," Xiao Zhan began to soften his tone, glancing briefly at Wangzi who looked at him innocently in his father's arms.

"Gege apologizes for what Gege said ear---"

"For what?" Yibo cut in quickly, gripping his phone a little tighter. "Didn't you proudly say it earlier, didn't you shout it out so loudly? I have feelings too, Honorable Mr. Xiao."

"Darling, don't speak like that. Gege was only--"

"Only what?" Yibo interrupted again, "although Chris Ge was going to explain, but Gege instead said things that were unwarranted!" Yibo's emotions flared up again as he shouted, causing Xiao Zhan to swallow his words again.

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