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The bustling atmosphere in the cafeteria of Zewun Hospital was quite surprising this time. Despite its spaciousness, usually accommodating over 50 people, it was now crowded with individuals clad in white robes. Doctors, nurses, and staff queued up not for meals but to catch a glimpse of the most sensational couple in the renowned hospital.

With his usual cold demeanor, Xiao Zhan, paired with Yibo's adorable face, continued their meal seemingly undisturbed. Even amidst the commotion, Xiao Zhan was engrossed in his phone, typical behavior when faced with patient data. He seemed oblivious to everything else.

"Gege!" called out Yibo with his mouth still full. However, Xiao Zhan remained focused on his phone, and after 5 seconds passed without a response, Yibo started to get irritated.

"Doctor Xiao." This time Yibo's tone was slightly raised, but Xiao Zhan only moved his head and cleared his throat, still fixated on his phone.

"What is it? Still hungry?" Xiao Zhan finally looked up, addressing Yibo's frustration.

Yibo shook his head in annoyance. "Never mind, gege can be so annoying."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhan put down his phone and looked directly at Yibo. "What's wrong, hmm?"

Yibo remained silent, continuing to eat with a pouty expression.

"What else does Yibo want to eat? Dumplings, chicken, or more rice?" Xiao Zhan offered, trying to appease the sulking Yibo, while reaching for an orange and peeling it.

Yibo still didn't respond. "Darling, if gege asks, please answer!"

"Well, gege is annoying. I'm trying to talk, and he's busy with his phone," Yibo retorted, causing a stir among the doctors and staff nearby, some finding it amusing while others considering it excessive drama, but Xiao Zhan himself paid no attention to them.

"It's not like that, hmm, gege cares a lot about Yibo..." Xiao Zhan sighed, thinking that Yibo was being overly demanding because of the pregnancy. "Okay! I'm sorry this time. I apologize."

Seeing Xiao Zhan's guilty expression, Yibo nodded. "Don't do it again. Gege promised not to neglect me anymore."

"Yes," Xiao Zhan agreed, glancing sideways as he noticed some eavesdropping. However, when his cold gaze pierced through them, they immediately pretended to be deaf.

"By the way, why did you call gege? Is there something Yibo wants to talk about?" Xiao Zhan asked, seemingly trying to elicit curiosity, although he wasn't actually thinking that deeply. He just wanted to engage in conversation with Yibo.

Yibo nodded quickly, still chewing on the orange in his mouth. "Yesterday, Mama explained the meaning of the word 'gege'."

Xiao Zhan raised a confused eyebrow. "Which word?"

"About gege wanting to enter Yibo," explained Yibo, causing Xiao Zhan to raise his head from his phone as a message came in.

Xiao Zhan blinked in confusion. "Yesterday, Yibo asked Mama and Papa about gege. Yibo said gege wanted to enter Yibo. But when Yibo accepted it, gege showed disappointment." Wang Yibo finished eating the orange, meeting Xiao Zhan's full gaze. "Yibo didn't understand, and Mama and Papa explained."

"And then?" asked Xiao Zhan nervously, observing the increasingly crowded cafeteria. Only now did Yibo realize that he and Xiao Zhan were being watched. However, he didn't care. Wang Yibo just wanted the world to know they were a couple, not mere companions like their dirty minds.

"Yibo is willing, gege, Yibo is willing," he said enthusiastically. The cold atmosphere due to the AC instantly turned warm; Xiao Zhan felt his stomach tighten, causing his breath to become erratic.

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