Chapter 20. Linopha

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When Linopha made it to the town, her heart skipped a beat to see the shape it was in. It looked even worse up close.

The townspeople poured buckets and buckets of water on the buildings relentlessly, until all the flames were put out.

Some of them had been burned so badly they were crumbling, with only ashes being left of some of them.

Linopha looked around for a way she could help. Then she noticed Callum, approaching the town. Linopha walked over to him.

Linopha: Callum? What are you doing here?

Callum: I wanted to see if there was anything I could do...

Linopha: It doesn't look like it.

Then they walked past a map of the whole town.

Callum: Wow. That was what it used to look like?

Linopha: Yeah, apparently. I don't see how they're ever going to get it back to this state.

Callum: What if...

Callum traced his finger over the design of the town.

Linopha: The look on your face. You have an idea.

Callum: I do, but it's a pretty dangerous and stupid idea.

Linopha: All your ideas are stupid and dangerous. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're not good.

Callum smiled.

Callum: Thanks, Linopha.

Linopha: So what's your idea?

Callum: Remember the time, when we were kids, and Claudia ended up breaking one of Soren's prized figurines by accident?

Linopha: Yeah. He was angrier than I've ever seen him be before.

Callum: Well, Claudia felt so bad about it, that she used dark magic to fix it. The spell for fixing broken things.

Linopha: You're going to use dark magic to fix the town?

Callum: I'm not strong enough to fix the whole town, but I can at least fix the tower. I've seen Claudia do the spell before, so I know how. I just need the necessary ingredients, something I know she'll have. I just need to figure out how to get them from her.

Linopha: I'll help in any way I can. Let's save this town.

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