Chapter 24. Linopha

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Corvus: The king is missing.

Rayla: He's not missing, he just went for a walk.

Corvus: And he hasn't returned, and we don't know where he is!

Rayla: Right...

Corvus: That is the definition of missing!

Rayla: You're right, he's missing.

Corvus: We shouldn't have let him go.

Linopha: You're a tracker, right?

Corvus: Yes. I shall bring the king back safely. You have my word.

Corvus left the cave.

After a while, he came back.

Linopha: Did you not find him?

Corvus: It's worse than that.

Rayla: ...worse?

Corvus: The trail ends, very clearly, very badly. His footprints are replaced by banther tracks. He's been eaten by a banther!

Rayla started laughing hysterically.

Corvus: This isn't funny. Why are you laughing?

Linopha: Ezran can communicate with animals. So if there are banther tracks, it means he caught a ride on the banther.

Linopha stood up.

Linopha: I'm gonna go into the village. You guys can take care of Callum while I'm gone, right?

Corvus and Rayla nodded.

Linopha: Good.

Linopha left the cave, and headed for the town.

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