Magic Build up

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Magic in Hermitcraft was not uncommon. Since several hermits knew how to use magic. Like how there are different hermits there are different types of magic. Vex magic for example.

Now Grian was very familiar with magic, since he has his own. But his type of magic is one of the more feared, Watcher Magic. Now Grian was a runaway Watcher. Having escaped the watchers after they had taken him from evo. Watcher magic wasn't the only magic Grian had, he also had Admin magic. Many people only the evolutionists knew Grian was an admin. Grian vowed to keep his two magic types a secret for very good reasons.


A glitch had appeared in hermitcraft which affected all the magic users of the server. The glitch doubled the amount of magic a user had and caused them to lose control. Doc was keeping Scar, Cub, Xisuma, and Gem in special cells that allowed them to release their magic without damaging anything.

Now Grian had learned of this glitch after his watcher magic had messed with his build. Grian was suppressing his magic which led to him being in a lot of pain as he worked on his build.

Pearl noticed this and grew worried knowing grian was her previous admin and a runaway watcher.

"grian? you okay?" Pearl asked approaching his base one day when she found him unconscious and his face was scrunched in pain, "Grian!"

she fell to her knees beside him and reached her hand out. The watcher magic inside him sensed her presence and calmed a bit but Grian was experiencing the effects of supressing a large amount of doubled magic. in other terms if he didn't release the magic soon, the magic would tear him apart from the inside out.

"Grian hang on! Im taking you to doc!" Pearl said picking up the smaller hermit are rushing towards Doc's base where he was keeping the other hermits who knew magic.

It didn't take long to get to the perimeter, since Doc was grian's neighbor. But finding the cells that could withstand magic build up explosions was another story.

"DOC!!!" Pearl screamed as she flew down to a platform. She then heard talking and spotted the cells that held the other hermits, "DOCCC!!!"

"pearl?" Doc questioned as she ran over holding Grian who whining in pain.

"Do you have a spare cell? Please its an emergency." Pearl cried and Doc nodded.

Doc lead pearl all the way to a cell near the back of the room. Scar and the other hermits in the cell were worried severely when they saw the signs of a magic build up with Grian. Pearl placed Grian in the cell and sat inside with him. She closed the door and Doc was worried.

"Isn't it a bad idea to be in there with a hermit whose experiencing a build up?" Doc questioned.

"I'll be fine." Pearl said and she began a technique she always used on grian whenever he experienced a build up. Pearl rubbed at his wrists gently where green and purple magic began to flow from in a liquid form. Once the liquid slowed to some drips Pearl moved to wake him up. She shook him gently and grian groaned.

Doc ran for cover behind some blocks as Grian opened his eyes and his magic exploded in a swirl of purple and green. The magic soon settled and Grian clung to pearl hiding his face from Doc and the other hermits.

"Im sorry... im sorry... im sorry..." Grian cried in Japanese.

"Shhh. Calm down Grian. Its okay. I know you didn't want to show them but you were hurting yourself keeping it pent up like that." Pearl said hugging him.

"How were you not hurt in that explosion?" Doc questioned shocked.

"His magic would never hurt me. I've known him for the longest time." Pearl said and she rubbed Grian's wrists where a stream of liquid magic began again, "He's always had issues with controlling his magic. some people made him believe that having magic was bad so he hid it."

"Who said that?" Scar questioned.

"People i really want to kill for what they did to him." Pearl growled and Grian whimpered, "I think this was their doing. Wanted grian to lose control of his magic to the point it would kill him. I'm going to have to tell either Martyn or JImmy to cause them havoc." 

"Huh?" Cub questioned.

"You know what i am going to call them." Pearl said and she pulled out her communicator and started a call. It ran for a bit before it connected, "Hello?"

"Hey Martyn, can you do me a favor and go and kill at least 100 purple people who caused us trouble in the past? Well minus Ximun and Xiomara leave those two."

Pearl paused for a bit listening before nodding, "No there was a glitch on hermitcraft caused by you know who. They're lurking in the code i would go after them but i am caring for a certain pesky bird." 

Pearl was silent for a long time before she spoke again, "Yeah he's overloading. If the glitch is fixed the sooner the better, he can't endure this for long."

Pearl then nodded, "Okay sounds good. Thanks Martyn."

Pearl then ended the call as Grian whined in pain.

(This may or may not have a part two. If my brain decides to come up with an idea. :P)

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